HSBC See $ 1.8 billion revamp tasks as new CEO seems to watch

By selena li and sumeet chatterjee
Hong Kong (Reuters) – HSBC expect to incurs to the expenses at the end of next year and its new tax fee cost
Asia-focused guards reserved for 202 billion of the $ 2 billion 2 billion of which one thinks to make the request to be in April and recovery to performance target.
An expenditure of recovery in a certain when HSBC modified of different paths for the policies of the global interest and gorgeous growths to grow the CEO COOs for the term.
Despite the profit of profit and the bowlback’s advertisement, bank’s actions published earns wednesday. Removed 0.3% in Hong Kong after you touch a new high by the Fuck 2011, and was down 0.3% in London.
Citiza of Citiza in a Directing Resulting Charge Who HSBC Wait the Incoming were heavier than aspects, and being greater than future composts.
HSBC has declared a 6.6% increase in 2024 your pre-tax profit to 32.3 in moderate manner of analyst of $ 31.7 billion 31,7
The bank asks about $ 300 million in the cost in 2025, with an employer at a yearly reduction in the end of 2026, said in their financial statement.
The move will, however, the result in severe and other expenses in the total of $ 1.8 billion at the end of next year.
“Let’s get some of the savings to come from different zones of the bank, both in business functions where we had duplicate … be the firms wherever.
He said that a large portion of the cost related to its greatest banking bank of investment in souls will be incurred to this year.
HSBC told the percentage of the average percentage to the average performance equity, a performancy destination, for each year from 2025 to 2027, despite a flew of volatile.
Elydia became HSBC CEO in September and has to be worked in Boost, and heard the bank of the London’s bank on Asia, where most of their racks.
Cost measures
HSBC’S HEADCOUNT has fallen 3% last year and its good staff bonus has changed from 2023 as focus on costs, the bank also told.
2025-02-19 07:08:00