HyperLIQUID $ 200 million Eth etter will be lost after sale of $ 4 million

The era, which lasts more than $ 200 million, will lead to loss of $ 4 million for hyperlelivide, where “whale” has placed the bend.
Insert Wallet ‘0xf3F4’ Donalt ‘position Insert $ 4.3 million for $ 43,000 for meat.
The cost of $ 1.8 million for the user was the loss of $ 1.8 million, but losses for hypellelivide (HLP) for the hypelly provider.
Vagans – The founding of the hyperly, which can be found that users can be found in the income strategies of the trading strategies or storage strategies or storage.
Among the users of hypelleive users, he fed the forecasting, among the possible operational users of the platform, and it was fly at X.
“There was no protocol operational or hacker” said hidden. “This user has been removed, and it has been lost in PNL ~ $ 4. The last 24 Million time is filled with. As a warning, the HLP is not a risk strategy.
Hyperlelivide is updating the maximum leverage for Bitcoin, to increase the maximum leverge for the BITCOIN and to increase the requirements for preventive measures, depending on the future to increase the requirements for preventive measures, 60x and 25x and 25x.
HyperLiquid’s HLP storage $ 60 million, the data shows that the data shows that everything will indicate. At the same time, when the hypets of the slums, the hypesical label, decreased to $ 13 after the liquidation, but after a few of Asia, it was completely restored.
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