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In-Car Commerce Future

Drivers spend an average of 72 minutes each day in their cars, according to Auten Automotive seriously Niclas Gyllenramthat presents a scary opportunity to make this time on the seamless screen, convenient experiences that develop a driving journey without interruption.

As the automotive industry shares digital commerce, Connected vehicle Technology creates greater privacy shopping experiences, Gyldenram says in an interview with pymns.

“Connected vehicles are preparing to be the center of economic equipment.” Unlike your phone or laptop, where screen is primary study, the vehicle’s screen is a secondary experience of driving experience. “

Integrate with the fact in the context

For example, he said, connected cars understand their environment – things like traffic patterns, fuel levels, weather conditions and destinations. This contextual awareness opens opportunities to provide personal recommendations.

“Think about a scenario where your car informs you ahead and suggests a nearby café where you can rest and refuel, not just your car but” glleenam said. “We have seen the car as a platform for interaction and convenience, uniquely placed bridge between online and mortar-and-mortar trading. By changing the vehicle to an active participant in Trade shopping, re-connected cars on how consumers interact with brands and services. “

In-Vehicle Commerce

Establishment of glelenram’s view, automotive automotive Completed OTHERS BLUE to bring Mavi’s Onmyway Commercece Vipasation to a wide variety of vehicles, drivers and passengers empty food and shopping shopping.

“Inspiration for our companionship of Mavi from identifying a natural synergy between our technologies,” Glleenram said. “Increasing groundbreaking capabilities to our platform is a testament to the easement of our platform. The vehicle commerce is a majority that no space can have a lot of growth potential, and to -We, we run the passage for its widespread adoption. “

Aiden’s No-Code Framework Gyldenram said, facilitated involvement of services such as Mavi by allowing them to design and carry solutions with a vehicle. This method streamrines the process, eliminating the need for complex participation of many OEMs, while instant updates of all quality experience at all. This is a win for all involved. “

Deploy to Android Auto Operating System

Glydenram said aiden help was set to Android Auto Operating System (AAOS). “Each manufacturer makes or informs their transition to AAOS, except Tesla. The Tesla has its own closed software ecosystem. Aiden, and the services allowed in any AAOS vehicle, Even in making or over air update (OTA) after the fact, “he said.

Aiden is currently deployed in three different auto oehems in the EU, he added, “and we plan to have initial US vehicles in 2025.”

Meanwhile, Aiden’s approach reshapsed in connected vehicle ecosystem by resolving the key challenges of scalability, privacy and innovations, Gylleenram said.

“Aiden’s platform communicates with the automotation industry by offering a joint interface that allows service providers to participate in their solutions once and deploy them to many brands,” he says .

AI and wheel personalization

In view ahead, Aiden plans to associate artificial intelligence (Ai) and advanced technologies such as voice commands and recommendations, which are provided in front of the connected vehicle ecosystem while power providers and automakers. Consumer expectations continue to more personal personal, AI buying experiences that are primarily in advance, adaptability and recovery.

According to a Pymts Intelligence Report, “Identifying You: How AI forms the future shopping“The need for AI buying experiences developing, with 51% of consumers expressing interest in AI parts.

GLOLERNRAM believes AI has an important role in quitting In-Car Commerce by making the most greater intuitive experiences, such as Voice commands and reverses of recommendations.

“Our path includes advanced technologies to ensure that our platform services are not only effective, but also enjoys for users,” he said. “Our goal is to empower service providers and automakers. By handling complexities in participating, we set them free to focus on what they do: delivering unique products and experiences.”

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