Software & Apps

Information about new Terms of Use and Updated …

Terms of Use and Privacy Documents for Web Services, not for browsers.

In a world where you don’t own your computer, your operating system, your software, your content, or even your data, you can do whatever you want in Firefox! When you can download it yours Browser. “But now Mozilla is back and forth light on the shining, glorious island of liberty to the software.

I am a vocal champion by Mozilla and in Firefox for many years. I’m protecting things like taking the pocket (actually using it!)

And now, at this moment at the moment of glimmering, while Google took a part and told Chrome users, “no, it’s not, our browser, and you cannot have privacy too, ” Firefox has the opportunity to present oneself as the refuge from all Chromium takes from users. You can say, “Our Terms of Use: Use the browser for good! Our Privacy Policy: Your data remains private.” This can be a unique type for your user side. It can be placed Mozilla as a paladin for Open Web.

But instead, you have started a term of use and a privacy policy that is unclear and full of saucers but represents a shift from your mission. It was a big unexpected error in Mozilla’s part. If this is an EULA, that’s something. But this is not an EULA for an application. This is a Tos for a data collection service.

In your post, you said:

Transparency busters. We introduce a term of use to provide clarity to which users agree with before starting browsing.

Within the twenty years, the agreement is very simple: you do not bring any data from us unless we obviously agree with it. But your new to has a “no, no royalty-free license in the world, the same clause used by terrible privacy abuse of the worst tech.

While a to have a meaning if someone uses the parts you’re talking about, preparing all of our data or AI’s preparation for AI for AI preparation or targeting AI

You don’t have to require a term of use if all data remains on our device and we have not selected – to send you anybody. You never need one to download and deliver a website. You only need one if Firefox is no longer a browser, but a web service.

As Randall Munroe said in XKCD # 463, many years ago: We chose Firefox because we want a browser, not a platform.

You also said:

Privacy remains priority. Our updated privacy announcement provides a more detailed, easy reading explanation of our data practices.

But this privacy policy is only required for some browser parts, which data is actually sent to Mozilla servers (as advertised by a prenket of a rug rug.

You remain controlled. FireFox is designed to respect the user’s option, with responsible disabilities and simple tools to manage your data.

For now. How long do you update the Terms of Use to prevent the ad-targeted ad joining the new tab page? Or allow you to sell third parties browsing data? Or train as many language models of things I type in the fields I browse?

Please cancel the wide policies and apply them only to the features it requires, agree only if we use it. The only way for us to actually “stay control” is when policies are not available to us unless we choose to use the features you need to protect.

Item is, I don’t know how to get this breach of confidence in a way that anyone can trust. Once you present yourself ready to do this thing, I don’t see a way to get it. From being a Balwarte on the open web, preparing to give a product that people need, you must now be a thin shadow of the matter you claim to stand.

I am a member of Mozilla.Social, and is very sad if closed. While many people say this is a bad sign in the new direction Mozilla acts, I didn’t take it as a red flag. Little did I know what a red flag; You can choose to promote the version of the next web repair, but instead you accompany AI.

I know that Firefox forks are waiting, browser versions that live the old spirit. But I don’t want to leave this browser or this community. Please consider again.

2025-02-28 08:00:00

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