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Instagram is testing a dislike button but only for comments

Instagram is try a new dislike buttonthat the company signaled is a way of users for downtownly downtown a destructant or irrelevant comment. The dislike button is only for the comments, and not the proper content itself. The platform is trying this with both chickens and food places.

The service will not show a dislike account, even instagram head adam mossers say that disperses must contribute to comment ranking. In other words, this feature is more than the reddit downvote button.

"This gives people a private way to sign that they don’t feel well on this particular comment," Mossers wrote on wires. "Our hope is that this could help make the most friendly comments on Instagram."

A meta The spokesman said Techcrunnch that the primary of the dislike disposal button is to improve the quality of the mower of Mossers’ of Mossers This is just a test for now, so the button is available only to a “very small group”. May have a bad gross to the line.

Instagram has been busy in recent months. The platform representatives announced that was working on a editing video app that looks eerily-like to Tiktok, captured tiBing. The platform too Expanding the length of bobs to three minutes, that was seen as another mimic tiktok. Has recently If you get rid of the third party controls because of freedom or something.

This item originally appeared in Engadget at https:/ersocial-meda/inneading-Adesting-button-button-butni-only-forcent-cometrcent-comities

2025-02-14 22:21:00

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