Software & Apps

Issue 42738: subprocess: don’t close all file descriptors by default (close_fds=False)

msg383739(look) Author: STINNER Victor (vstinner) * (Python committer) Date: 2020-12-25 11:53
To make subprocess faster, I propose to no longer close all file descriptors by default in subprocess: change Popen close_fds parameter default to False (close_fds=False).

Using close_fds=False, subprocess can use posix_spawn() which is safer and faster than fork+exec. For example, on Linux, the glibc implements it as a function using vfork which is faster than fork if the parent allocated a lot of memory. On macOS, posix_spawn() is even a syscall.

The main drawback is that close_fds=False reopens a security vulnerability if a file descriptor is not marked as non-inheritable. The PEP 446 "Make newly created file descriptors non-inheritable" was implemented in Python 3.4: Python should only create non-inheritable FDs, if it's not the case, Python should be fixed. Sadly, 3rd party Python modules may not implement the PEP 446. In this case, close_fds=True should be used explicitly, or these modules should be fixed. os.set_inheritable() can be used to make FDs as non-inheritable.

close_fds=True has a cost on subprocess performance. When the maximum number of file descriptors is larger than 10,000 and Python has no way to list open file descriptors, calling close(fd) once per file descriptor can take several milliseconds. When I wrote the PEP 446 (in 2013), on a FreeBSD buildbot with MAXFD=655,000, closing all FDs took 300 ms (see bpo-11284 "slow close file descriptors").

FreeBSD has been fixed recently by using closefrom() function which makes _posixsubprocess and os.closerange() faster.

In 2020, my Red Hat colleagues still report the issue in Linux containers using... Python 2.7, since Python 2.7 subprocess also close all file descriptors in a loop (there was no code to list open file descriptors). The problem still exists in Python 3 if subprocess cannot open /proc/self/fd/ directory, when /proc pseudo filesystem is not mounted (or if the access is blocked, ex: by a sandbox). The problem is that some containers are created a very high limit for the maximum number of FDs: os.sysconf("SC_OPEN_MAX") returns 1,048,576. Calling close() more than 1 million of times is slow...

See also related issue bpo-38435 "Start the deprecation cycle for subprocess preexec_fn".


Notes about close_fds=True.

Python 3.9 can now use closefrom() function on FreeBSD: bpo-38061.

Linux 5.10 has a new closerange() syscall:

Linux 5.11 (not released yet) will add a new CLOSE_RANGE_CLOEXEC flag to close_range():


History of the close_fds parameter default value.

In Python 2.7, subprocess didn't close all file descriptors by default: close_fds=False by default.

Dec 4, 2010: In Python 3.2 (bpo-7213, bpo-2320), subprocess.Popen started to emit a deprecating warning when close_fds was not specified explicitly (commit d23047b62c6f885def9020bd9b304110f9b9c52d):

+        if close_fds is None:
+            # Notification for & issue2320
+            warnings.warn(
+                    'The close_fds parameter was not specified.  Its default'
+                    ' will change from False to True in a future Python'
+                    ' version.  Most users should set it to True.  Please'
+                    ' update your code explicitly set close_fds.',
+                    DeprecationWarning)

Dec 13 2010, bpo-7213: close_fds default value was changed to True on non-Windows platforms, and False on Windows (commit f5604853889bfbbf84b48311c63c0e775dff38cc). The implementation was adjusted in bpo-6559 (commit 8edd99d0852c45f70b6abc851e6b326d4250cd33) to use a new _PLATFORM_DEFAULT_CLOSE_FDS singleton object.

See issues:

* bpo-2320: Race condition in subprocess using stdin
* bpo-6559: add pass_fds paramter to subprocess.Popen()
* bpo-7213: subprocess leaks open file descriptors between Popen instances causing hangs


On Windows, there is also the question of handles (HANDLE type). Python 3.7 added the support for the PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST in subprocess.STARTUPINFO: lpAttributeList('handle_list') parameter. Hopefully, Windows has a way better default than Unix: all handles are created as non-inheritable by default, so these is no need to explicitly close them.
msg383797(look) Author: Alexey Izbyshev (izbyshev) * (Python triager) Date: 2020-12-26 09:20
> Using close_fds=False, subprocess can use posix_spawn() which is safer and faster than fork+exec. For example, on Linux, the glibc implements it as a function using vfork which is faster than fork if the parent allocated a lot of memory. On macOS, posix_spawn() is even a syscall.

On Linux, unless you care specifically about users with Python 3.10+ on older kernels, implementing support for closerange() syscall in subprocess would provide better net benefit. This is because (a) performance advantage of posix_spawn() is no longer relevant on Linux after bpo-35823 and (b) supporting closerange() would benefit even those users who still need close_fds=True.
msg383861(look) Author: Gregory P. Smith (gregory.p.smith) * (Python committer) Date: 2020-12-27 20:41
Note that vfork() support has been merged for 3.10 via bpo-35823, so posix_spawn() is less of a performance carrot than it used to be on Linux.  vfork() exists macOS, that code could likely be enabled there after some investigation+testing.

Regardless, changing this default sounds difficult due to the variety of things depending on the existing behavior - potentially for security issues as you've noted - when running in a process with other file descriptors potentially not managed by Python (ie: extension modules) that don't explicitly use CLOEXEC.

The subprocess APIs are effectively evolving to become lower level over time as we continually find warts in them that need addressing but find defaults that cannot change due to existing uses.  A higher level "best practices for launching child processes module" with APIs reflecting explicit intents (performance vs security vs simplicity) rather than requiring users to understand subprocess platform specific details may be a good idea at this point (on PyPI I assume).

We changed posix close_fds default to True in 3.2 when Jeffrey and I wrote _posixsubprocess to better match the behavior most users actually want - undoing that doesn't feel right.
msg383893(look) Author: Eryk Sun (eryksun) * (Python triager) Date: 2020-12-28 14:11
> Python 3.7 added the support for the PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST 
> in subprocess.STARTUPINFO: lpAttributeList('handle_list') parameter.

The motivating reason to add support for the WinAPI handle list was to allow changing the default to close_fds=True regardless of the need to inherit standard handles. However, even when using the handle list, one still has to make each handle in the list inheritable. Thus concurrent calls to os.system() and os.spawn*() -- which are not implemented via subprocess.Popen(), but should be -- may leak the handles in the list. If the default is changed to close_fds=False, then by default concurrent Popen() calls may also leak temporarily inheritable handles when a handle list isn't used to constrain inheritance.


Windows implicitly duplicates standard I/O handles from a parent process to a child process if they're both console applications and the child inherits the console session. However, subprocess.Popen() requires standard I/O inheritance to work consistently even without an inherited console session. It explicitly inherits standard handles in the STARTUPINFO record, which requires CreateProcessW to be called with bInheritHandles as TRUE. In 3.7+, Popen() also passes the standard-handle values in a PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST attribute that constrains inheritance, but handles in the list still have to be made inheritable before calling CreateProcessW. Thus they may be leaked by concurrent CreateProcessW calls that inherit handles without a constraining handle list.
msg405063(look) Author: Richard Xia (richardxia) Date: 2021-10-27 00:45
I'd like to provide another, non-performance-related use case for changing the default value of Popen's close_fds parameters back to False.

In some scenarios, a (non-Python) parent process may want its descendant processes to inherit a particular file descriptor and for each descendant process to pass on that file descriptor its own children. In this scenario, a Python program may just be an intermediate script that calls out to multiple subprocesses, and closing the inheritable file descriptors by default would interfere with the parent process's ability to pass on that file descriptor to descendants.

As a concrete example, we have a (non-Python) build system and task runner that orchestrates many tasks to run in parallel. Some of those tasks end up invoking Python scripts that use to run other programs. Our task runner intentionally passes an inheritable file descriptor that is unique to each task as a form of a keep-alive token; if the child processes continue to pass inheritable file descriptors to their children, then we can determine whether all of the processes spawned from a task have terminated by checking whither the last open handle to that file descriptor has been closed. This is particularly important when a processes exits before its children, sometimes uncleanly due to being force killed by the system or by a user.

In our use case, Python's default value of close_fds=True interferes with our tracking scheme, since it prevents Python's subprocesses from inheriting that file descriptor, even though that file descriptor has intentionally been made inheritable.

While we are able to work around the issue by explicitly setting close_fds=False in as much of our Python code as possible, it's difficult to enforce this globally since we have many small Python scripts. We also have no control over any third party libraries that may possibly call Popen.

Regarding security, PEP 446 already makes it so that any files opened from within a Python program are non-inheritable by default, which I agree is a good default. One can make the argument that it's not Python's job to enforce a security policy on file descriptors that a Python process has inherited from a parent process, since Python cannot distinguish from descriptors that were accidentally or intentionally inherited.
msg405071(look) Author: Alexey Izbyshev (izbyshev) * (Python triager) Date: 2021-10-27 06:03
> As a concrete example, we have a (non-Python) build system and task runner that orchestrates many tasks to run in parallel. Some of those tasks end up invoking Python scripts that use to run other programs. Our task runner intentionally passes an inheritable file descriptor that is unique to each task as a form of a keep-alive token; if the child processes continue to pass inheritable file descriptors to their children, then we can determine whether all of the processes spawned from a task have terminated by checking whither the last open handle to that file descriptor has been closed. This is particularly important when a processes exits before its children, sometimes uncleanly due to being force killed by the system or by a user.

I don't see how such scheme could be usable in a general-purpose build system. Python is just one example of a program that closes file descriptors for child processes, but there might be arbitrary more. In general, there is no guarantee that a descriptor would be inherited in a process tree if it contains at least one process running code that you don't fully control. To properly control process trees, I'd suggest to consider prctl(PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER) or PID namespaces on Linux and job objects on Windows (don't know about other OSes).

> Regarding security, PEP 446 already makes it so that any files opened from within a Python program are non-inheritable by default, which I agree is a good default. One can make the argument that it's not Python's job to enforce a security policy on file descriptors that a Python process has inherited from a parent process, since Python cannot distinguish from descriptors that were accidentally or intentionally inherited.

While I agree that such argument could be made, closing FDs for children also affects FDs opened by C extensions, which are not subject to PEP 446. And this is important not only for security: for example, it's easy to create a deadlock if one process is blocked on a read() from a pipe, which it expects to be closed at a proper moment, but the pipe write end is leaked to some unrelated long-running process which keeps it alive indefinitely without being aware of it.

And again, even if subprocess didn't close FDs by default (or somehow closed only non-inherited FDs), how could this be used in a wider picture? Any third-party library (even written in Python) could still decide to close e.g. some range of descriptors, so one wouldn't be able to rely on FD inheritance in a general setting, just as one can't rely on inheritance of environment variables (works most of the time, but no promises). Traditional Unix things like inheritance across fork()/exec() and no O_CLOEXEC by default are convenient for quick hacks, but my impression is that such defaults are considered to be design bugs in the modern setting by many.
msg405075(look) Author: Marc-Andre Lemburg (lemburg) * (Python committer) Date: 2021-10-27 08:25
Gregory P. Smith wrote:
> A higher level "best practices for launching child processes module" with APIs reflecting explicit intents (performance vs security vs simplicity) rather than requiring users to understand subprocess platform specific details may be a good idea at this point (on PyPI I assume).

Interesting that you say that. subprocess was originally written with exactly this idea in mind - to create a module which deals with all the platform details, so that the user doesn't have to know about them:

On the topic itself: I believe Python should come with safe and usable defaults, but provide ways to enable alternative approaches which have more performance if the user so decides (by e.g. passing in a parameter). In such cases, the user then becomes responsible for understanding the implications.

Since there already is a parameter, expert users can already gain more performance by using it and then explicitly only closing FDs the users knows can/should be closed in the new process.

Perhaps there's a middle ground: have subprocess only loop over the first 64k FDs per default and not all possible ones.
msg408777(look) Author: Cristian Rodriguez (judas.iscariote) Date: 2021-12-17 13:55
My 2 CLP.
On linux/glibc you do not have to do this, there is a posix_spawn_file_actions_addclosefrom_np action which is implemented using  close_range(2) which will give you the fastest way to this job without hassle.

for the not posix_spawn case, interate over /proc/self/fd and set the CLOEXEC flag using fcntl.. if close_Range is not available or returns returns different than 0
date USERS action Args 2022-04-11 14:59:39 admin set github: 86904 2021-12-17 13:55:31 Judas Iscariot set fun: + Judas Iscariot
messages: + msg408777 2021-10-27 08:25:28 overtime set fun: + overtime
messages: + msg405075 2021-10-27 06:03:02 Izbyshev set messages: + msg405071 2021-10-27 00:45:37 richardxia set fun: + richardxia
messages: + msg405063 2020-12-28 14:11:59 apart set fun: + apart
messages: + msg383893 2020-12-27 20:41:09 gregory.p.smith set type: performance
messages: + msg383861 2020-12-26 09:20:51 Izbyshev set fun: + Izbyshev
messages: + msg383797 2020-12-25 11:53:03 vstinner MAKE

2024-12-25 10:03:00

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