Software & Apps

joflof – alley cat remeow edition

Alley Cat Remeow Edition

Alley Cat is a game created in 1983 by Bill Williams (rest in peace) and published by the company Synapse Software with Atari 8-bit and later IBM PC and compatibles computers. With simple, but quite original arcade mechanics at the same time, it was one of the first computer games I played as a child. Years ago I started programming a remake of the game (it was so much, in fact, that the first version was for MS-DOS). The goal was to use the same graphics as the original and add some new details, but the project went through many different stages and was parked on countless occasions. In the end, after spending time here and there on a different development, I was able to finish what I would like to see as a tribute to the original game and its author.

This version offers the possibility to play with graphics and sounds that have been redesigned trying to imitate what an arcade machine version is, but also keeps the possibility to play the original versions of Atari and pc. Five new stages have been added, as well as a couple of multiplayer game modes so that up to 4 kitties can meow in their favorite alley at once. As an additional detail – and because another project I have is to build an arcade cabinet – I added the possibility of configuring it to play in an arcade cabinet with all the option that may be needed, so that it can be perfectly integrated as another arcade game in your favorite frontend list.

The remake was programmed in advance Allegro libraries, since I said, the development started with MS-DOS. Currently it is only available for Windows (it should be compatible with any version). I would love to be able to port this Linux and Macbut I was not able to compile the libraries and get a working system environment. If anyone is interested in helping me do this, please, contact me!

Below you have two links; a the YouTube video to be able to watch before downloading it and the link to the game. No need to install it, just put it in a folder that suits you better, unzip it and run the game. For more information about game modes and all the functions supported by the game, I refer you to User Guide. And if you want to know more about the remake itself and its development, you can check out the section In addition where other things are explained or try your luck to see if there are any questions you may have that by chance have already been resolved in FAQ section on the same page 😉

2024-12-17 01:20:23

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