Software & Apps

JTROO / Kanata: Forever Forever Relief and Advanced Customization

Image of a keycap with the letter k to this in pink tones

Improve Your Keyboard Run

This is a cross-platform keyboard remapper software for Linux, Macos and Windows. A brief summary of the parts:

  • There are many layers of key functionality
  • Advanced Key Custom Adaptation (eg Tap-Hold, Macros, Unicode)

To see all parts, see the Configuration Guide.

You can see pre-buildings binaries in Page release
or read for building instructions.

You can see a List of informed issues here.

Showcase in multi-layer function (30s, 1.7 MB).

You can check the Online Simulator
To test the configuration and test input attempt.

Imagine if, instead of forcing the transfer of letter pieces, we have giant keyboards with different keys for uppercase and lowercase letters. I wish we all agree: that is a terrible user experience!

A way of thinking how to move the transit keys so they move your input to another layer of functionality which you type the uppercase and symbols instead of lowercase letters and numbers .

What your Kanata is allowed to do is get this alternative layer concept that moves keys and apply it any key. You can customize what layers do with your precise needs and work work.

Song running doesn’t start with a background process. You need to keep the window starting with cana running to keep on the active onboard. Some tips for running on the background can

Look at the
Page release
for executables and instructions.

This project uses the most recent stake firm toolchin. If you install the toolchain toolchain tool rustupeg by using the instructions from
Official WebsiteYou can get the most recent stable toolchain with rustup update stable.


use cargo install:

cargo install kanata

# On Linux and macOS, this may not work without `sudo`, see below
kanata --cfg 

Build and run yourself in Linux:

git clone && cd kanata
cargo build   # --release optional, not really perf sensitive

# sudo is used because kanata opens /dev/ files
# See below if you want to avoid needing sudo:
sudo target/debug/kanata --cfg 

Build and run yourself in Windows.

git clone; cd kanata
cargo build   # --release optional, not really perf sensitive
target\debug\kanata --cfg 

Build and run yourself in MacOS:

For MacOS Vission 11 and new: Install VirtualHiddevice Driver Driver.

To activate it:

/Applications/ activate

For MacOS version 10 and older: Install Kernel Kernel Extension.

git clone && cd kanata
cargo build   # --release optional, not really perf sensitive

# sudo is needed to gain permission to intercept the keyboard

sudo target/debug/kanata --cfg 

The full configuration guide found here.

Sample configuration files will be found cfg_samples. the
Yano.kbd The file contains a basic configuration file that is easily understood but does not contain all parts. the
kanata.kbd contains an example of all parts with documentation. Release assets also have kanata.kbd file trying to work on that release. All key names appear in Keys modulesAnd you can also explain your own names names.

If any construction of yourself or use cargo installYou can add filing flags capable of functionality to be killed by default.


If you want to do the cmd Actions, add the flag --features cmd. For example:

cargo build --release --features cmd
cargo install --features cmd

In windows, if you want to gather in a binary using the interception driver, you must add the flag --features interception_driver. For example:

cargo build --release --features interception_driver
cargo install --features interception_driver

In mixing many flags, use one --features Bandera and use a comma to separate parts. For example:

cargo build --release --features cmd,interception_driver
cargo install --features cmd,interception_driver

Other Installation Methods

Packaging condition

  • Live reconfiguration for quick attempt at your changes.
  • There are many layers of key functionality
  • Advanced actions such as tap-hold, unicode output, dynamic and static macros
  • Subsequent leader-like actions
  • Optional run a TCP server to communicate with other programs
  • The interception driver Support (use kanata_wintercept.exe)

Contributions are welcome!

Unless clearly expressed otherwise, your contributions to Kanata will be under LGPL-3.0 only* license.

Some directory exceptions:

Here’s a basic low-low tree DOC design on Kanata

  • Try it and let me know what you think. Feel free to file an issue or start a discussion.
  • The issues with either non-bad error messages are considered bugs that should be repaired. If you have experienced anyone, I am grateful if you file an issue.
  • Browse open issues and help if you can and / or want. If you want to try to contribute, feel free to ping jtroo for some pointers.
  • If you know anything to know a keyboard driver for windows, starting with an open source alternative to driver’s driver beautiful.

Community projects related to Kanata

  • Vscode-Kanata: Language Support for Configure Configure Code in VS
  • Kromakana: Automatic Application-Advation Layer Switching for komorebi (Windows)
  • Can-train: Control Kanata from an icon tray
  • Join the application

I want a word “k” because it is relevant to keyboards. According to Wikipedia, Kanata is a native ambush meaning “village” or “settlement” and the name of the Name of Canada.

There is also ppt✧.

TLDR: QMK features but for either keyboard, not only mechanical fashion.

High version

I have some keyboards running CMC. QMK allows the user to customize the function of their keyboard within their heart.

A good use case of QMK is the ability of map map keys so they overlap the keys in the row of home but access to another layer. I don’t comment about productivity, but I find it very helpful to comfort my keyboard.

For example, these keys are on the right hand side of the keyboard:

In a layer I have arrow keys in the same position, and another layer I have a numper.

arrows:       numpad:
- - -         7 8 9
- ↑ -         4 5 6
← ↓ →         1 2 3
- - -         0 * .

Can be added to a large number of customers that one wants to improve comfort, speed, etc. personally my main reason for a repeated injury to the past.

However, QMK is not running anywhere. In fact, it won’t run MANY
Hardware you can get. You can’t do this to run on a laptop keyboard or any main office office mainly. I believe the comfort and empowerment of QMK gives anyone with a computer with their already hardware, instead of buying an enthusiastic mechanical keyboard (which is considered good – but can costly).

The best alternative solution I’ve found for keyboards that don’t run in QMK
Evinal. This is a very nice project and I recommend it if you want to try something similar.

The reason for the existence of this project is that Kmonad is written by Haskell and I do not know how to start contributing to a Haskell project. From an outlook outside I think Haskell knows a great language but I will never wrap my head around it. And there are some Unusual issues
At the time of writing that makes Kroptimal to Konad for my personal workflows.

This project is written at stake because bet is my favorite programming language and the first act of odd Clate of Keyberon
are available.

The most similar project is Evinalwhich served as inspiration for Kanata. Here’s a comparison document. Other similar projects:

  • CMC: Open source of keyboard firmware
  • overeron: Bet #(no_std) Library intended for keyboard firmware
  • Ctrl: Linux-Lo Youx keyboard insisizer with layers, a TCP server, and audio support
  • corporal: Counddod-Youndex Custorizer with layers and unicodes
  • Xcapape: Modix-Hold-Holding Modifier
  • Elements of the Karabiner: Mac-only Keyboard Customizer
  • Capesicain: Windows-keys only remapper with driver-level key interception
  • collection: Linux-key key supper similar to QMK, Kmonad, and Kanata
  • Xridaap: Linux-perfect key key remapper being inspired more by sequences of emacs vequence vs. QMK Layers / Vim Modes
  • KNIFE: Context – cross-platform key remapper with different models of change (Linux, Windows, Mac)
  • Reluctant: Linux-mouse focus on key remapper with also layers, key combo and conducting capabilities

While what cana is the best tool for some, it may not be the best tool for you. I am pleased to introduce you to tools that may be more appropriate for your needs. This list is also useful as reference / inspiration for functionality that can be added to Kanata.

The author (jtroo) does not accept money donations for Kanata work. Please pay your time and / or money in charity.

Some links below. These links are provided for learning and as interesting to read. they not an endorsement.

2025-02-09 17:52:00

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