KCB Bank provides customers to transact 11 new currencies with compass compass

To empower Kenyans with flexibility and convenience to make payment for goods or access to boundaries, KCB bankAfrica Bank headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, interacted with Paytech Compass increase Technologies.
The new companion can strengthen multi-currency offer of KCB by launching the first platinum platinum platinum prepaid card. This will allow users to load and transact 11 currencies while users avoid the typical exchange charge associated with currency conversion.

Sielela MwirigiDirector of Digital Financial Services on KCB Bank: “The launching of this card is a celebration of our prolonged collaboration with compass technologies further. This collaboration, once again, unite, and shared intentions to provide financial choice of Kenya.”

Adil AhmedVice President and Deputy Managing Director, MEA SA Compass technologies Plusadds: “We are glad to cooperate with the KCB Bank in this exciting effort. In our prolonged interactions, this card is not only developing a new product experience for many prepaid cards for many prepaid cards in Africa. “
KCB Bank works with compass technologies in addition to 2012, if bank successfully united at home processing center to enable issues, ATMs, and POS businesses. Since then, both parties work together many projects to drive finance to Kenya and expand the presence of the East African bank.
Perks of writing
Once enrolled, cardholders can enjoy the favorable exchange rate and reduce conversion costs that dissolve unexpected cases and simplify global spending world. The ability to handle cards in large amounts of money takes the need for different currency accounts or physical cards, ensure more convenient and security.
11 currencies available on the card are:
- Kenyan Shilling
- US Dollar
- British Pound Sterling
- Euro
- Swiss Franc
- Australian dollars
- Canadian dollar
- Indian Rupee
- Japanese Yen
- South Africa Rand
- Chinese Yuan