Latin America comes in Treatment Mode for Rubio Visit

As a severe of the Marco Marco Rubio begins at the first time of overseas the Saturday in Panama are boundarily beneath the weight of the Presidents Trump including military force threats to claim Panama canal and it Coercing nations in accepting military plans full of distorted migrants.
Visit entering a period of tense, which has been grappled with the potential economic advice of Mr. Trump’s policies, as mass deportments and a dead-handed
“It’s every country for himself,” he said Michael E. Spy, the President of the inlander of inlanding dain in Washington. US leaders know “as fragmented the region is and how easy is to pick it up,” he said. “And that’s Trump makes the best.”
In spite of many attempts To ensure meetings with the trump Mr. Trump team In the head to his presidency, the region is facing drivers refuffer. Now with Mr. Trump in office and handle Latin America as a critical focus – as noted in his inaugural address, in which she mentioned panama as they are ever short – the sheets are high.
Mr. Rubio will be able to wanna know the sandwiches in Guatemala, El Salvador, the RICA Coast and the Domica Republic and Republic. The speakers are expected to the center on the immigration, curbing China in the region and frustrating drug stream, particularly fentanyyl, in the United States.
American Latin nations want to maintain the status of US relationships: maintain American investments – that Mr. Trump says home – and leaving foreign assistance. One of the largest prompts of Mr. Probably these countries “chords of the segile third”, accept asylum required by other nations looking refuge in the United States.
Nations as Elvador and Dominican reports viewed as a reinforcement of reinforce their pair
Here’s a look at the five villages of Mr. Rubio will visit and the greatest issues on the table.
Although President José Par Panama this week past shrugged to Panama channel, the topic will be on top when generators meet on Saturday.
Mr. Trump falsely accused panama to allow China for troops station On the United States canal and treatment, the unfair goods to load exorbitant fees. The channel channel, that operates the room of the government independent of the government has animated these pretensions.
While there are no chinese troops in water in the course of Hong Kong Called Ck Hutchison has operated two pans on each panama channel for decades.
Mr. Trump can’t be serious about using the US Army to take the channel, analysts, instead of station of an extreme negotiation position in order for clinch another deal. It could be lower-eye fees for Americans’ goods crossing the channel or greater cooperation on migration.
Panama will probably ask US to invest in Panama, if you are looking for curbing Chinese influence in the region. Panamanians and Business Leaders complain That when the country imposes infrastructure of great infrastructure, American business are often absent as the Chinese are eager to offer.
In exchange, Mr. Rubio could ask panama to sign a safe country, that the worships you will absorb non Panamanians migrants. The analysts say Mr. Rubio could use the threats to the channel to Panama pressure to accept those ck hutchison ck shipers.
Guatemala is emerged as an eager country to show is open to cooperate with trump administration, especially when it comes to migration. The Guatemalan Government has been the first country of receiving Caracurt, who have served to support the present of Mr. Trump’s best reflects for strength.
Instead of telling the deportations, the government has launched the “back home” thinks to Receregate Guatemalan Deports. I am
“To us, the more important is to introduced, to the new administration, as a handful and strategical and strategical part, carlos cassiro, Carlos cassiro’s previously.
About 675,000 Guatemalans Indeed in the United States of 2022, as per the Catholding center, doing one of the largest sources of illegal migrants After Mexico, India and El Salvador.
Winery he comparted a border with Mexican, and the migrants from the world through his journey into the north journey. Mr. Rubio could call the nation to do more to prevent migrants from reaching Mexico, analyzes say.
When prompted if the US Asylum would be as part of a “secure” Agreement “, Mr. Ramiro said that nothing was out of the visit.” I am Not broken something because the negotiation is still continuous, “said to a conference of news this week.
Also on the table will be counteract drug traffic and organized crime, Mr. Ramiro said.
The Guatemala President, BernMala Arévo, freshencies intense to find an al. The US is a primary trade partner of Guatemala, accounting for more than 30 percent of the country exports, including coffee and coffee.
El Salvador
Of all the countries in the region that Mr. Rubio has the planning to visit, the Savior stops for having already established a short-time relationship with the trump administration.
“At the maga’s internet circle, bukeli has a lot of appeal,” Manel murézzz, savage political triple, he said of Elavadis President, Nayib Bukele.
The recent recent of the wild government Crackdown in vicious gangs that the country terrorized the country has made traditional republicans and orders the murmulablobbarist mill of Mr. Bukele and what you call “anti-wook“The policies have American conservatives. And his tech embration, including bitcoin as an official currencyhas won more of a billions of technologies, as Mung Musk.
In a phone call between the Leaders last weekMr. Trump has preached the bulging mill before discussing two main problems is likely to succeed during their visit: a crackdown on gangs.
A Priority For Trump Administration is to get the country to take in the non-wild sportspaths from the United States.
The country has signed a similar deal In 2019 After Trump Administration Officers cut up some help at El Salvador, accuse the country of not making enough of it to bend illegal migration. But the agreement has never done effect and has been completed by the offer administration.
In a briefiega calls on Friday, Maicio Special Claver for Medinal America, she said the US Reports that the United States were engaged in efforts. “
A spokeswoman for Mr. Bukele recall to comment.
During the visit of Mr. Rubio, Mr. Clave carone, it will try to persuade the dispursed members of the Open of Aragua that spread their arrival in the United States.
“If the caracas will not accept, the beat,” María Elvira Salazar, a Republican Condore, she said this past week. The prisoners “and bukel are very great.”
Costa Rica
I Looking forward to Mr. Rubio likely a US focus, migration policy and continuous struggle against international traffic, according to the authority to pick up.
President Rodrigo Chaves anticipate a most transactional relationship with Mr. Trump.
“It will be about trouble of international trade, capital streams, and investment,” he told the reporters last week.
The critics of the Lord Trump Of the administration administration administration administration administration administration administration – and their investing investing investing – have been nervously recipiently in the coastline, a HUB of semiconstructor. The BidDen-was intended to reduce the US results in China for microchip production to strengthen neighbors to enter the industry.
Beyond to try investments, RICA RICA’s Costa you are healing yourself as a waring war against the drugs during the front rubio. Costa Rica became a major transbord point for cocaine intended to the US, contribute to the country’s assassination fee from 2022.
Arnoldio the agreement minister in the inner summer cot against the shower exhibited in organization and “issues we are secure in reconciliations.”
If Mr. Trump wants to continue to hold on to drug traffic, economic investments, they have to say the current government officials and ex. Or poverty can make the kingdom of the country for the cartels running amok in the region.
Dominican Republic
During their confirmation senati, Mr. Rubio said Dominican Republic as one of the countries in Latin America that was “doing the proper way.”
There’s why Mr. Rubio can mean Trump mode. The caribbean country is building a wall 20 their fellemes with the heads, and the government has forgotten 10,000 Haitians a week criticized as rockets with abuses. I am
The Dominican Republic, a country of 11 million, share an island with Haiti, a nation that has by descending in the chaos Since murder in July 2021 of his president elected, jovel moïse. Gangs gain income from illegal control points and rapids and the political vacuum to expand their territory to control a 90 percent.
Some million Haitians have fried their homes, as the International Organization to migrationvery crossing the porous border in the Dominican Republic.
Dig a wave of nationalism, Luis President has recorded the last one can in a ground, bolled by Anti-Haiti commercials That ran between the population, while plum the narrow immigration policies.
The Dominican Republic is also emergent as a key security partner for Washington, if you run on the drugs and guns of fuel violence through the region. Trump administration wants more cooperation.
The report has been contributed by Mary triton to the Zean From the city of panama; Jody Garcia From the Guatemala city; Gabriel labador From san salvador; and it Hogla Eli a purer by santu domingo, the dominican republic.
2025-02-01 13:01:00