Software & Apps – I miss vim

I used to N Nean Within almost two years now and I’ll go out and say it. I miss the vanilla

Is Neovim faster? Yes. Can this be able to assign async tasks like a champ? Yes. Is Lua’s Laas scripting than the old Hodgepodge in slow Vimcript? Yes. Can I do this what the hell do I like to compare with VIM? As well.

But I missed the relative simplicity of my former Vim Setup. Is this a “skill issue”? On one side. But that’s more.

My Vim setup is quite straight and can all fit inside the USA, a bit large file I can grock from top to bottom. I use the Ale Plugin To contact formatters, silver, and language servers to get an idea like editing within VIM. It’s slow and wrong mistake, but it’s just a couple of lines set. I am usually able to solve edible behavior within a minute. The arrival of a new language or codebase is quite straight while I add a couple of lines to my ale setup and I have specific plugins ready and opinion set up.

In comparison, my new Neovim settings are pierced in 12 files, where I copied and pressed and hardly understandable. I got a set of plugins I didn’t know what they were doing, but I was also afraid to pick up or change it because I could break something.

I need the equivalent of a Babel Tower with plugins standing on top of each other to work. For example, I use lazy For the management of the plugin, mason For managing the LSP server, LSP-Zero To summon most of them, and the established support of the LSP server to get the pattern of many editors these days.

My first reaction at first installing them is that they feel magic! But however, it’s so disappointing, easy. Especially Mason. Mason gives you a mind list of all available DSPs, formatters, silver, and so on there. It’s great to install and sync, you need to give that. But actually used it? No, especially. You need to manually configure each of the packages by copying and pasting something from the Creator Plugin or searching other Nets Uses Settings.

And almost two years now, you’ll think I’m going out of the shipment-cultout-configent stage.

I also use a colorful color that is simply called one of the 16 ascii colors in my terminal. It works well for almost 8 years. In Neovim, however, I need to put one’s own color scheme over the one in my terminal. Because if I can’t get the syntax highright highright while it talks to the language server. I know that I am ready to have a theme installed so that language server support is accurately displayed.

I didn’t say Neovim Plugins weren’t good. I think I taught the finger in an emerging set of patterns or values ​​that part of Neovim Developer Ethoss, and don’t involve it in progress.

But if this distill can be a sentence, it is:

Make the developers don’t think too much.

That, in one way, said

May have a mind.


I don’t have to manually customize most plugins

Users will write in different languages. Most of them are very popular, and they will use a perceived set of packages for their linting, their DSP, their LSP, and so on. I don’t have to use a neovim distribution to have an opinion set of how these packs work together and set up.

Why isn’t it about neovim core?

Plugin writers and treasuries are an important part of the neovim increase and continued use. And I can understand why neovim advocates don’t want to be necessary. Tick ​​some of their Neovim core’s abilities, but I think they need.

Why do I need a color scheme?

NEOVM HAS BEEN IN THE DEFARIAL COLLE SCHEME in 0.10 version, but for me to be another non-Sechequitur. Why should I still need one in the first place if my terminal has the colors I have already chosen?

I really want to make my map of my terminal editor colors using. Should not be required for a color scheme in the first place to get the correct syntax highlighting. The reason behind my required use is that to see the language items in “extended universe” of LSP primitives not mapped to standard items. What is a @lsp.type.keyword If not just a @keyword? The common vim syntax highlighting doesn’t know what to do it.


I am very happy with Read Neovim Roadmap. The next releases actually ended “The year of NVIM Ootb” (from the box). I’m glad to see what it means. I am excited to see a plugin manager, a concept of LSP configuration, and arrive in the car in nearly-to-medium-term future.

I’m not calling Neovim bankruptcy (however?). I have no intention to move to a manageable neovim “distribution” such as Lazyvim, lunarvim, or astrovim. I know the thought that a little funny, real! I spent the years with my editor in a way that fits my brain, and able to abstract, complex changes to the cenerabases I have with some paths I wrote.

But if this essay has any effect, it is: If you meditate on writing a Neovim Plugin, make some opinions on how you are and othersBefore you share it with the world.

2025-02-01 09:12:00

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