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LinkedIn is tried a tool I could turn as people search

LinkedIn this tool to a custom job that uses a custom language model to progress on huge amounts to help people to prospective roles.

The company believes that Artificial intelligence Will help users of new roles that may miss in the typical search process.

“Reality is, you don’t find your dream job by checking a set of words:” The company’s CEO, Ryan Ryan Ryan, he said in a statement. The new tool, says, “can help you find relevant jobs you never know to seek.”

The move comes as you continue to change how people use the web. February 2, Open announced a device called profound that uses his ai to run the web search in depth for a user. Google offers a similar tool (with exactly the same name, in fact). Among other things, these instruments can be used to automate the process of sfering websites for work opening.

LINKEDIITIITTIITs has given us a user’s forecast, that is currently tested by a small users group. Workaries can enter the Queues such as “finds a role where I can use the environment,” or “sample the jobs at $ 100k.”

Linkedidin has developed their own great language model, or “LLM” Heavage you you like chatgt – to post through their data and parse research. A regular search could bring openings on their job title; The new tool can identify one based on the bottom of the bottom analysis of the job and their peers and attenders across the site. May also show the finders of the jobs that new skills that may need to pursue to land a particular role. “We are really using llm all the way to our research pool, all the way of recommendation,” says Rajiv’s Director to LinkedIn Product.

While llms could be a powerful tool for a company like LinkedIn, the Use the recruitment have somewhat problematic Because of the biasging that regrets in the models used for veterinary candidates. Suzi owen, a palce LinkedIn, says the company has implemented security measures to look at the potential bias. “This including adressing criteria that may not exclude a cancanarios, oe bias in the algories that could impact as qualifications are not valued:” She says.

Wenjing Zhang, an engineer vice to LinkedIn engineer, says the new shack ai could be used for more than it is only work hunt. If you can, for example, produce feelings of the job identify companions of companies are more using the job descriptions, or that employment they want from their seats.

I don’t know if you trust a chatboot to offer career advice, but maybe it is Gorged on LinkedIn Trove could be on something.

What do you think about the LinkedIn’s job hunting device? Looks like a useful resource or just another one ai potentially probramatic program to treat? Share your own thoughts in the comments below.,c_limit/AI-Lab-LinkedIn-LLM-Job-Search-Business-94944500.jpg

2025-02-05 20:00:00

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