MediaBanca Board is to examine MPS 13.3 billion billion billion tuesday, the source says by Reuters

Milano (Reuters) – The MediBanca Board (OTC) to discuss the Italian banner by the fashioned morte (MPS), he said a person near the situation.
Friday, MPS joined the consolidation waves that sweeps the 1,3 billion euro ($ 13.96 billion) to buy mediaBanca from the Italian government , but has perplexed analysts and investors.
In a letter sent to the staff on Saturdays and viewed by MediBanca Chief, Table, Towns, held that MPS offer was not agreed with the bank and that the advice expresses its views , with the purpose of protecting the interests of all Stakeholder, especially. employed.
Friday, a person near the situation said to Reuters that MPS offer was not friendly but not unexpected.
MPS offers 23 of their actions for each 10 mediabanist actions, representing one before 5% at the closing of Thursday. However, the MPS actions lost 7% on Friday, which means that the offer implies a discount of 1.2 billion euros to market price.
($ 1 = 0.950 Euro)
2025-01-26 12:10:00