Meeting the women by processing the broadband industry: Seven Women’s Digital Incurity

I am writing on the internet for a living, and in my revision of internet services providers, I rarely meet a CEO woman.
In fact, of the 15 ISPS that any lid 2% or more of the country, I can only tell a company with a CEO woman. According to the Council-councy-councyOnly 10% of fortunes 500s have women’s women.
The broadband industry is constantly evolved. New developments in the internet connection, by Li-fi at 5g internethave changed as we go online on the years. But up to the leadership goes most of the authority positions in the broadband belong to men.
Also while the male leash tends to the band-band-in-the-band and policy, noticeable women in the digital equity – often working on the growing questions Digital Division with minimum recognition or representation.
“I work in the regiment of all calls the divide to be dividing for 27th of 28 years old, seniorly exams of digital and non-profitable production.
Other women, as gigi sohn or jessica rosenweorcel, place of federal community in community federhe fede the consumer more than the business.
In honor of the women’s story, I compiled a list (in no particular order) of the sixteen outstanding women who have contributed to the internet accessibility on the years. From the government’s world to the boss of the organizations of reach-in organizations, those women have made tangible impacts in the internet’s internet.
1. Jessica RosenWorel, ex chairwoman fc
Rosenworcel, during an Overling audition examining the FCC.
Jessica RosenWorel has been the The first weight of FCC. I am Although she has since you were up to, RosenWorcel made a tremendous impact on the selecome industry and the broadband with their decisions nita neutral, their position on monopolies and their commitment to the long-band accessibility. Before the pandemic extent the status of the Internet, RosenWorcel originated the term “gap at home“Oa gap that emerges between the students with the internet and computers of the students without. Intensifying work, and rosenwork pandemic panded for expansion The fcc’s e-valre program to include wi-fi hotspots and a citizen program.
“Out of the crisis is the opportunity” Rosenworcel has told CETN while closing. I am “We’ve finished the days where we talk about the broadband like a ‘nice.’ Poles at any place, now I understand it is a ‘need-to-have’ for all in this country. “
2. Jordana Bartton-Garcí, humanity connect
Jordana Barton-García is a Senior to Connect the humanity and the manager and co-founder of the Texas Rio Great Valley Coalition. I am Bartton-Garcara is dedicated to maintain rural and south communities in the southern online in development of the broadband. Coalition has advertised recently Broadband plan and digital occasionA initiative to ensure each of the business of business and community “in the release valley with internet high internet always affected.
Barton-García contributed to connect to humanity’s successful 112 million for the adoption band programs and the adoption programs from the appalachia at the rio large rio.
3. Gigi Sohn, American association by public band
Gigi Sohn during his audition confirmation to be a FCC Commissioner in February 2023.
Gigi Sohn is the executive director of the American Association for Public Bandaa group of prejudice for broadband nets and the community browband. Sohn is a voice for the broadband of community and operated and played a key role in Bounthe, the recent launch of utah of an open network. I am
Sohn has more than 30 years of experience offers for consumer policies. Since 12 years old, sohn served as adviser to former Jairman Tom Wheed and Amod and old Ceo of Public knowledgeA group of public interest fueled on the policy of digital equity.
4. Anna Gomez, Commissioner FCC
Anna Gomez is a Commissioner of the FCC engaged in rural Broadband and keep the download industry of the telecomy industry. Gomez has served the FCC during more than 12 years old in different ability and has more than 30 years of international laws and politics. Gomez has been a voice for net neutrality, internet and the Resurrection of the assistant connection program. I am
“The ACP is the most successful useful congrassion is ever supplied to close the digital divide,” Gomez wrote in a statement urge funding for the Ap. I am
5. Shirley Bloomfield, the Broadband MarroSband Broadband
Shirley Bloomfield during a hearing before the Senate, Science, and Transportation of May 20.
Shirley Bloomfield is the CEO of the National cooperative national association – a position that held for nearly 15 years. Bloomfield has more than 35 years of experience in the telecom’s industry, an English band of rural band and help safe financing for independent, isp. The ntca represents around 850 independent isps.
In addition to lawyer for the broadband, rural, blojfield and the privacy brood for consumer privacy and a universal service with speedy internet. Bloomfield also recommended for the universal service background, which programs funds as Lifefear and e-rate. The USF waits for a supreme court rughing On if the program is not unconstitutional, and if hit, the Net on SUGUEZE that the selected rural band prices.
6. Kathryn de wit, Pew Carite Trusts
Kathyrn de wit is the director of the project of the Broadband access initiative to the pew casses. The initiative focuses on improving broadband access and accessability produces the research with the data of the internet access status. Work often reports static and federal band’s policy and the broadband band debris is more than 10 years of age experience in public policy and has witnessed in Congress In the state of broadband accessibility multiple times.
More recent, de wit has attorney For a more transparent Funding peri process to ensure that the band width of the broadband is consistent and not slowed by the “unnecessary and constrained” s)
7. Angela Siefer, Digital National Alliance
Angela Siefer (Left) to a nodia event.
Angela Siefer is the Executive Director and one of the founders of the Digital National Alliance includeda non-profit organization with the unilateral purpose of digital equity and inclusion. The nodia has been one of the most prominent voice in the fight for digital equity and partners with more 2,000 affiliates affiliateregarding producers and researchers. Molest It is praised for digital divics since the 1995 and he found in 2015. It all alleys the internet infrastructure, the internet is associating with navigation navigation and people. Nidia of guest conferences of digitally and guest Toolkits of digital equity, and it Search inventories on their website.
“If we will do the braxand in any community, it doesn’t mean we bridged the divide divide,” shefer told me. “It means the infrastructure there and now we should help people understand how the use safe and do great things with it.
2025-03-12 14:00:00