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Microsoft facilitates the passage of phone coordinators from older phones

Phone connection

Dhruv Bhutani / Android Organization

TL; dr

  • Microsoft’s telephone connection will soon allow users to easily broke their old smartphones.
  • It would be a pleasant change over the previous method that these users need to open the Microsoft account.

Microsoft’s phone connection is a great tool for your Windows computer and seamless integration between you Android phone or iphone. Removing your old phone, it can be a pain, but the company is finally similar to a solution.

Twitter user phantomofeart (H / T: Windows Last) Microsoft says Windows 11 tells a choice to easily delete a phone related to itself. Users will be able to visit Manage mobile devices Menu (Manage Settings> Bluetooth & Devices> Mobile Devices> Devices) and then click the “Delete” button to break smartphones. Review the following screenshots through the Twitter user.

The second screenshot also shows you can be forced to delete the phone from other Windows devices and products / services. Nevertheless, it would be a great development because users should visit the Microsoft account to break the Android phone or iPhone. It’s quite a pain compared to simply visiting the Settings menu. So if you have upgraded a new phone, this should make life easier.

News comes in a few days after Microsoft announced Phone connection attachments trio. These attachments include the ability to pair a phone with a special panel in the start menu, as well as shipping file via the same panel.

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