NASA rover discovers liquid water in the water targeted on Mars Rock – and it can rewrite the red planet history

Scientists discovered evidence that liquid water previously revealed in the air of ancient, shallow lakes of Mars. Finding an evidence that not all water on the red planet is covered with ice, as some Martian climate models suggest.
Planet geologists and astronomers studying Mars know for decades that water previously likely to be on the planet, after corridors Mariner 9 Mission images of dry gullies in the 1970s. But there is a continuing debate about what form taken with water and how long it lasted. Some models Confirm that any liquid water above Mars’ above should be covered with ice sheets before it is lost.
However, new findings, published on January 15 in the Journal Science progress,, say a different story. The patterns, which are photographed with NASA exploring, known as wave-minute ripples like structures like the beaches of lakebeds. This means that the exposed liquid-watered water should flow over Mars at some point in its history. The ripples are in two equal lakebeds in the Gale Crater, which curiosity is explored since now. 2012.
“The shape of ripples can only be formed under the water open in the air and moves in the air,” study the first author Claire Mondroa sedimentologist of Caltech, said to a statement.
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Researchers also investigated high and space in ripple waves to determine the size of the lake that formed them. Structures are approximately 0.2 inches (6 millimeters) high and about 1.6 to 2 inches (4 to 5 centimeters) separately, remaining left in small waves. Based on these dimensions, researchers believe that Martian Lake should be less than 2 meters (6.5 ft) depth.
The two dry lakebeds appear to form about 3.7 billion years ago, indicating that the Mars had an atmosphere dense and warm water supports longer than ever thoughtful. “The extent of the length of time the liquid water is currently given the possibilities for reinforcing microbial later in Mars history,” Mondro said. In other words: Living organisms may have a longer window where they can change the red planet.
Most of the Mars and water conditions above later took the billions of years. Scientists believe this happens because the planet Magnetic Field is lostleft it vulnerable to solar radiation. As the strong solar wind pumps the air at Martian, most of the carbon dioxide of the planet and water cooled into space, leaving the extenuated desert we know today.
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2025-02-19 04:06:00