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Now you can use this twins Advanced feature without paying for subscriptions

Google Gemini logo smartphone background (7)

Edgar Cervantes / Android Organization

TL; dr

  • Downloading and analysis of twins is already available for all users.
  • The feature was limited to the twins advanced subscribers.
  • This allows you to download and receive the spreadsheets and responds, summarize and use the gem to create graphs from source material.

Geminates, get answers, create summaries and downloading a document or spreadsheet, offers a necessary feature you can use to create graphs by downloading a document or spreadsheet Twins Subscribe. Although this is quite useful, this feature may not be a $ 20 monthly subscription value for some users. If so, we have good news.

Like We were stained first Google’s application eliminates the subscription requirement to analyze Google, loading and analysis of Gemini, and analyzing the twins in November last November.

Free Account Twins File Analysis in Reddit

Reddit / Intelligent_Fill_141

Provides information about the user Reddit The download option is already available in the free version of the Gem. You can use the following file types to analyze:

  • Plain text documents: txt
  • Code files including C, CPP, PY, Java, PHP, SQL and HTML
  • Documents documents: Doc, Docx, PDF, RTF, Dot, Dotx, HWP, HWPX
  • Documents generated in Google documents
  • Table Information Files: CSV, TSV
  • Electronic Tableto Documents: XLS, XLSX
  • Tables created on Google sheets

Users who do not have access to a twin advanced subscription, will receive a fixed daily quota to use the feature, but we do not have accurate figures for the update of Google’s feature yet. When using the feature, you will see that you are using a daily quota as a percentage. You have to wait a few hours to reset this limit after exceeding.

The feature seems gradually spread, so you will not be able to see immediately at the end. We expect to reach all users in the coming days.

Do you have one tip? Talk to us! Email our staff You can get credit for an anonymous castle or information, this is your choice.

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