NYT Today Connections: Sport Edition Suggestions, Answers for February 7, # 137

Looking for the the most recent Results responded? Click Here for today’s connectionsAs for our own answers and daily suggestions for New York times Mini Crossword, Wordle and Fords Puzzle.
Today Connections: sports edition has a suitable topic: it is looking forward Super Bowl of Sunday. I am We have stories about how Look at the gamethat you know about the Show halftime halftimeand I wrote about the A AIDED AID (with muppets!). But go back to the puzzle – read for the suggestions and the answers for today’s connections: the sport edition puzzles.
Read more: Super Bowl 2025: How do you see Lamar Kendrick and Saka Hhwftime Show
And you should know that Connections: sports edition is it Coming from beta go ahead Sunday Super BowlFebruary 9. Here is a sign that the game loyal players that the athletic, the successful newspaper site of the actual newspaper shaped by the times, they will be continuing to publish. Will not submit in the Nyt gaming app but will appear in the athletics app. Or you can continue to play free online.
Hints for today’s connections: Sport Edition Groups
Here are four suggestions for today’s groups: The sport’s edition connections, classified by the yellow group easier to the hard group (and sometimes pil).
Yellow group suggestion: Tune.
Green Group suggestion: Fourth and long.
HINT GROUP BLUE: Don’t let it!
Purple group mountains: The present game payoff.
Answers for today’s connections: Sports Edition Groups
Yellow Group: Parts of a super bowl broaddcast.
Green Group: How to finish football.
Blue Group: Types of catches.
Purple Group: Rewards to win a championship.
Read more: Sheet of exchanging wordle: here are the most popular letters used in English words
What are today’s connections: Sport edition answers?
Complete Nyt Connections: Sport Edition Puzzle for Friday, February 7, 2025.
Yellow words in today’s connections
The topic is part of a super bowl broaddcast. The four answers are advertisers, shows hifte, cartgame and pregame.
The green words in today’s connections
The topic is how to finish football. The four answers are downs, pointed, score and billing.
The blue words in today’s connections
The theme is types of catches. The four answers are Circus, choices, diving and fair.
The words violet in today’s connection
The topic is reward to win a championship. The four answers are bonus, Parade, ring and Trokey.
2025-02-07 00:00:00