NYT Today Connections: Sport Edition Suggestions, February 17 February, # 147

Looking for the the most recent Results responded? Click Here for today’s connectionsAs for our own answers and daily suggestions for New York times Mini Crossword, Wordle and Fords Puzzle.
Connections: sports edition it has a couple categories differing today, especially the blue and purple. But perhaps you know NBA Scorlers really good, or have an awkward knowledge of all sports, in which case you are that. Read by suggestions and answers.
Connection: Sport Edition is out of Beta now, doing his debut Sunday Super BowlFebruary 9. Here is a sign that the game gained the athletic players that the athletic, the successful newspaper site of the actual journal score from times, will continue to publish. Will not submit in the Nyt gaming app but will appear in the athletics app. Or you can continue to play free online.
Read more: NYT Connections: Editions Puzzle Sports Sports of Beta
Hints for today’s connections: Sport Edition Groups
Here are four suggestions for today’s groups: The sport’s edition connections, classified by the yellow group easier to the hard group (and sometimes pil).
Yellow group suggestion: Destroy in a game.
Green Group suggestion: Sports sharing a similar equipment.
HINT GROUP BLUE: Two points is not enough for these players.
Purple group mountains: Don’t start too early.
Answers for today’s connections: Sports Edition Groups
Yellow Group: Defeat a lot.
Green Group: Racket sports.
Purple Group: Sports with false begins.
Read more: Sheet of exchanging wordle: here are the most popular letters used in English words
What are today’s connections: Sport edition answers?
The fact of editing edition edition edition edition editing edition for on Monday of February 17, 2025.
Yellow words in today’s connections
The topic is defeated a lot. The four answers are crushed, hang up, powdery and throne.
The green words in today’s connections
The topic is racquet sports. The four answers are Badminton, pickleball, squash and tennis.
The blue words in today’s connections
The topic is of the NBA career leaders. The four answers are courting, curry, harden and lillard.
The words violet in today’s connection
The topic is sport with false begins. The four answers are football, speed patinad, cloud and track and field.
2025-02-17 00:00:00