Software & Apps

Ohio is a building timeline update

On February 28, 2025, Naga ChandrasekaranExecutive Vice President, Chief Global Operations Officer and General Manager of Intel Forgor, sent a message to Intel employees to update black employees Ohio a Mod 1 and Mod 2 built in new Albany, Licking County, Ohio.

I keep impressed with the progress you drive our Ohio One Campus. We have come since the start of construction, and I am grateful for all you have done to put the base for our future hubs in the world’s semiconductor.

In the past quarter, we achieve our “goes to the vertical“Milestone is if the level of” basement “has been completed – and work on the upper ground structure has already begun to support our neighborhoods, and community development. I am proud of the effect you made.

Our Ohio investment is about our wider expansion of US development in the US. As we continue to invest in our US sites, we are important to conform to the start making our wings of our business and wider market demands. This is always our way, because we are allowed to manage our capital responsible and adapt to our customers’ needs.

With that in mind, we adjusted the timeline for our two Ohio Fabs. Specifically, we now plan to complete the construction of Mod 1 in 2030 and start operations between 2030 and 2031. We are expected to complete the construction of 2031 and start operations in 2032.

We take a careful approach to ensure that we complete the project in a financial responsibility sets Ohio one for future success. We keep building a slow step, while keeping flexibility to facilitate work and the start of operations warrants, but I want to face all about our current plan.

The infographic titled three years of #Interliio with statistics.

Three years in #intelohio infographic

More: Intel invests in Ohio (Press Kit)

There is no reason that it reduces our long-term commitment to Ohio. We have already started hiring Ohioans who train our fabs in Arizona, New Mexico and Oregon, and we will continue to scaling our lease of our operation. Intel is proud to call the house of Ohio, and we remain eager for our future.

We also thank the support we have received since land breaking, including Gov. Mike Dewine; US sen. Jon Jon Jon Jon set to Congress; Director Lydia Mirakik and his team at the Department of Ohio Department of Department of Department of Department; the city of New Albany; the city of Columbus; the city of Juanstown; the state of Ohio, with Jobsohio; As well as our neighbors and members of the community. We remain commitment to community investment and nurture long association driving growth and opportunity.

Above all, we appreciate everything and the work you do to build this site. Projects on this scale and complexity are always with twists and turns the way, but the end of the state is the one we need to boast in decades to come.

Thank you for all of you in Ohio One Team.

Intel Ohio a January 2025 Build Update (B-Roll)
B-Roll Footage from January 2025 appears to progress to $ 28 billion Intel investments on a company campus in new Albany, Ohio. The crew works more than 6.4 million hours of dating work that includes the installation of underground tubes, pouring suts (sub-utility trenches) and starting office buildings. This video shows the elements of the subfabprecast and cheese slabs at the water level. (Credit: Intel Corporation)

Download Video: “Intel Ohio One January 2025 Update Construction (B-ROLD)”

2025-03-01 00:15:00

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