Opuia calls for the federal government to prepare AI state laws

Openi Submitted many Policy suggestions In the White House, saying that they will preserve American competition with artificial intelligence (AI).
Company comments were submitted in response to White House’s Request for information As it develops it AI AIV Achict PlanOpui says on a Thursday (March 13) Blog post.
“Suggestions referred to OpenII referred to suggestions, united, strengthening America’s leadership in AI and doing so, opening the emperation competitive,” protect our country in the global affairs officer Christopher Lane wrote to the comments submitted to the White House Science and Technology Policy Office.
A suggestion calls for the federal government to take care of the states of AI-related laws, which gives the picture with growth from increasing bills. Instead, AI companies opt-in to this offer will provide the federal government access to their AI models to ensure safety and test capabilities.
Another proposal suggests that the Federal Government develops export control strategy not only prevents AI technologies in China (PRC) but also developed democratic countries.
A third suggestion from Opuai calls for more AI equitable use of AI so AI companies can use multiple intelligence models while still reserving the commercial copyright acts.
Opuki also suggested that the federal government expands efforts to support AI infrastructure, other things allowed by government data, and crossing capital and capital supplies and chains.
In the fifth proposal, the company suggested that the federal government “leads through the example” by adopting artificial intelligence in departments and agencies.
“We look forward to discussing suggestions above the scientific office and technology as we continue to build our US government relationship with all,” Lehane’s letter.
When asking the public weighs policies for AI AIV Achict PlanThe technology of science and technology technology says it seeks policies to advance “improving private sector requirements.”