Plurfidio UK subsidiary opens London doors, with plans to expand the foot throughout Europe and Mea

Based in Romania PluridioCapital marketing markets and trading software solutions, establishing a new subsidiary, Pluridio UK Ltd, headquartered in London.
By establishing a London presence, which remains a global financial hub, the pluridio hopes to sell high-sellers of fintech sellers and financial banks of Europe, Africa and Middle East.
By consolidating sales operations in LondonPluridio prompts a proven model adopted by other global financial technology, moving the city’s global talents, financial companions, and technology colleagues. A dedicated PLURIDIO UK based sales team. Enhancing market market, and strengthen financial institutions targeted by operations in markets

“Pluridio UK Ltd represents a significant importance to our mission to bring the technology to the pluridio marketing to a global audience,” as Marius IonescuCEO of Pluridio. “London gives the natural gate for expanding our footprints in Apero Eruare, Africa, and Middle East. With a specialized sales team, we have well-held recessive change and Support financial institutions on their digital transformation trips. “
Europe has hosted 1,393 banks of commercial and 1,012 branches of foreign banks, while Africa housing in 852 banks for Sales desk, following pluridio. The Middle East, with the growing financial sector and demand for digital change, represents another strategic study for newly established subsidiary.
Lukash BeeharryThe head of the shopping group and management group, also provides the development of development: “Our presence in London allows to strengthen banks in global markets. We are here to provide adapted solutions to sell-side workflow and improve overall recovery. “