Poland’s President is urges to move nuclear shoulders in the territory

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Poland’s Chairman called in US to transfer nuclear weapons to the Polish territory in the territory and a question that is likely to be perceived as a very provocative in fly.
Andrzej Duda said he was “obvious Donald Trump could represent the Occidogolog-in-law enhanced on the Keen Kellogg, the clean edit for Ukraine.
“Frontieris of the east in the east in 1999, fewer than 26 years after being a change in the infrastructure. For me is obviously he said in an interview with financial times. “I think it’s not just time it’s come, but this will be safer as this maple were already here.”
Duda hopes to revive a draft of nuclear share that filed the first administration of President Joe Biden in 2022 of the Collection
Duda said he was shot to decide the nuclear weapons, but remember the President Vuldimir Arnation to Belian, relieves of Ukraine.
“Russia hasn’t hesitated you when they were moved about their nuclear weapons in belariusso,” Duda said. “They have not asked for anyone” permission.

The call of duda to nuclear nuclear weapons that grow anxiety in Poland – Buy with other countries in his region – on Russia emergency enhanced by the stores of peace with the brokened Ukraine by Trump.
Duda, that is also an army suppleer of the poland tusk from the “nucleel’s” umbrella “to cover the” nucleel umbrello “to cover the” nucleel “umbrella” to cover the “European umbrella.
But duda warning cold water on TUSK’s suggestion last week that poland could develop their own nuclea arsenal. “To have our own nuclear ability, I think it takes decades”, the President said.
Dudu also said he could not involve trump that makes an u-turn on the commitment gave during their meeting last month in the U.S. in Poland.
“Concern about the concerning her military presence from poland is not justified. We are a belible moon to and have their strategic interests,” she said.

The political president also told you trump to be of prow-moscow conduct for the KYIV force to stop fighting.
“This is not diplomission, this is a tough game, but in me a hard game, it is not that President Trump is just cute with Russia”, Due said. “I think the instrument-instruments application against the research, although maybe are not that strong and visible as those found against Ukraine.”
“Not even kidding so far from preventing this war, then President Dancements Trump a chance.”
The best daddakklork of the faddickłakłakAks with the secret of Ultu Phot Phot phot phot phot moong to the tusk of the poland to show respect for the most weaker rather than arrogant.
Duda instead of the critics sikorski for a “completely useless intervention” over starlink. “I don’t discuss you with the US administration on Twitter, make it through diplomatic canels”, he said.
Duda, a right nominee and its justice of the opponent (pis), it was in logging with Tusk listing in 2023. He repeated from judges to the constitution.
Asked if Trump administration could influence the presidential election, Duda, he was “poles will make the competitions of the contested, like to that in the judges will also be validation also policies.
“There is no doubt that you currently treat you with a very serious constitutional crisis in Poland”, he said. “What happened in Romania is very worried and not filling European Democratic standards.”
The constitutional court of the romania has banned to the applicant far Candidate after canceled his first sight that has benefited from an illegal campaign.
The polish President has accused European commissioning an institutional conflict after taking the presentation of “many shares” to get the turs to the power in 2023.
“The European Commission is now pretending to not see this:” He says dunce. “And you know why? Is it because the first minister of the same of the same of the same of the European Commission, together (Ursula Vir leyen)” DIR PERYEN) “TIRING)” USEEN) “USE YOUR LYYEN)”
2025-03-13 08:00:00