Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

Produced Technology Rules: Comprehensive, Always Green Relations

Packague: Mratmaster Ozir, PhD

Technology today is developing until the speed of light. The law of the law – The calculation is twice as regulated every two years, and every two years, regulatory legal acts are and were in play.

The artificial exploration of the European Union has come to the beginning of August 2024. This did not think AI agents and combat the generating AI (Genai) and fund models. Article 28B. In June 2023, after June 2023, after the beginning of the tent at the end of 2023 and joined after the dissemination of the conflict. This was not when the legislatures were originally developed in April 2021.

Robots and virtual reality devices, “a new paradigm of the architectures” advancedGenai is obliged to create robots and virtual devices and create virtual devices of the world. Perhaps it was not good to settle a new article to genei.

In addition, the technological rules have a lot of dichotized. There is a regulation on AI as the act of the EU; Web3, like markets of crypto-assets; And security of digital information, Cyberusian actions and cyrobirdus’s cybery activities and digital operational sustainability.

This is convenient for users and business. In addition, it is not the same as the decisions of decisions and products. Each decision is mastering many technologies, and each technological component has rules separately.

There may be a time of revision of the technology.

Comprehensive approach

Technical companies, including technologies, including the web3, AI, quantum calculation and others. Other sectors are in accordance with the experiment and the implementation of these technologies.

Every product is digital and produces several technologies. Think about Apple Vision Pro or Meta Quest. They have equipment, knives, ai, biometric technologies, clouds, cryographic, cryptography, cryptography, and others will be united with web3 technology.

The comprehensive approach of the rules would be the most appropriate approach for the following main reasons.

Full system solution

Most, if you do not integration There are several formed technologies. If we have separate instructions for each technology and regulations, then we do not meet the product / service? Where is starting a rule and where is the second time?

Last: Animojoa brands are raised by AI abbreviations to 12%

Some speculations may, perhaps the complexity, errors, and misunderstandings, and eventually can eventually lead to damage to it. The implementation of technology is to be regulatory approach, if it is surrounded by surrounding and comprehensive.

Any technologies support each other’s weaknesses

All technologies have strong and weaknesses, and the strengths of one technology can support the shortcomings of the second.

For example, Ai to support Web3 by increasing the implementation and blocking security and monitoring of SMART contracts and monitoring of monitoring. And the technology of the bloke will help view “Ai is responsible for the moon, because a blanchein is no clear, faithful, reliable, trustworthy, trusted, reliable.

In support of AI Web3 And, on the contrary, we use a comprehensive, safe, safe, and reliable solution. Are these decisions in accordance with AI-suitable or web requirements? This decision would be difficult to match Dichotomize. The solution should be in harmony and must conduct all instructions / policies. If these instructions / politics contained all technologies, including their integration, it would be good.


We need to be active. By all regions, in all regions, to date, we will not be able to think about changes we know, and to the current change in how to provide for between five or 10 to 10 years.

If we know, in the next five paradigm, the new paradigma “of the architecture of AI architecture, and then in five years, no how to regulate it in the next five years. Or find the normative base, regardless of how much technology has developed.

Think about innovation responsible. Interesting, simplification, simplification, creation of new technologies for society, means making new technologies, rather than developing new technologies for society, to solve more problems. In other words, “Do good, do no harm.”

Innovation responsible

Innovative principles responsible are designed not only AI, but all technologies. These principles are responsible for users, statements and society, and that companies have the responsibility of companies and the development of these technologies and these risks.

Innovative principles responsible are excessive and international and today, and develop to any technology and will develop in the future. This can be the basis for technological regulation. Despite the regulations, companies need to trust users who trust the users who trust and believe in users.

The truth in technology

The The act of securities of the 1933Investors called “truths on securities” were also known to restore public confidence in the stock market in order to restore public confidence in the stock market.

The core of the law is honesty and transparency in this stock market, or the basic ingredients to believe in this issue.

This Act is “Eutegreen”. Trade and the financial sector have become a digital and more technological, but the basic principles of this Law are still used and will continue.

Based on the principles of responsibility, we can develop faith in international levels, now, and in the future, and in the future. Basically, we consider these products and services to be safe, safe, ethical, ethical, correspondence, audio, clear, transparent, transparent, transparent and report. These values ​​do not know any restrictions on areas, industries and technologies, and technology does not know any restrictions.

May create an innovation value, but it can be extracted or deleted. Regulations help restrict the last two types, and the designed activity allows you to be first and prosper. World cooperation can find ways to find a way to study the innovation that has created valuable innovation for the benefits of the global economy and society.

The truth in this technology can be international, comprehensive, and always always long-term provisions for the welfare of the world.

Packague: Mabrat Uzkair, PhD.

This article is carried out for general information purposes, not required and not accepted as legal or investment council. The views and ideas that are spoken here do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the goal.