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RCS messengers get the final final cocpbition between Android and IOS

By the time RCS messing became available on the iPhone With ios 18 roller, the technical manager of gsm’s shuttle Teleased May the next major sixon for the message standard is the addition of final interoperable encryption. Now, six months later, GSMA has released A set of updated specifications for RCS messaging, which includes final encryption (e2ee) based on the Message Cape Security (Mls) protocol. The new RCS profile will ensure that the messages and files remain safe and confidential when termed between IOS android loans.

"… the RCS will be the first-scale message service to support interoperable execos between client’s implementations from various suppliers. Together with other unique sections functions as well-based sam authentication, e2E is by processing rcs with the highest level of protection and safety" He said toman pelt, the technical manager of GBMA. RC, or rich communication services, give people a way to send the images, videos and customers to the other through the text in different platforms. The job implementation has had a default encryption for both one-on-One and 1924 chats, but only if all participants are used with RCS Chats. Meanwhile, imessages are already protected from e2ee.

In a statement sent to 9to5macApple said it was "Pleased to have helped to drive an industry effort to bring the final encryption to the Universal Revation RCS published by GSMA." Voted even to add a support to the final encryption to ios, iPads, Macos and Watchos "in future software updates." Without a defined tailored, it is Apple to when the Apple man to support the security feature, but when it makes, preventing interception and power access to potantially.

This item originally appeared on https://pw.dadctget.and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-

2025-03-14 15:00:00

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