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Reports at the low cost of Depeekek ‘Problem

done DepseekA Model of AI costs under $ 6 million to develop?

Demis HassabiGoogle’s artificial chief google (AI), says he is not sure, Bloomberg News reported Monday (Feb 10).

In an interview television in Bloomberg, Hassabis, leading Google’s Deepwhich is called the idea that the Chinese start is spent smaller to develop a AI system that comes with organic tech giants “enlarged and slightly wrong.”

The DepeFerek rocked the Tech World in the month when it opened a Chatbot and AI model saying it was developed to spend less than the companies like OpenI. The launch causes many tech stocks to beat, Leaving around $ 1 trillion to market value.

Gokul Naidua consultant for juicetold the pymts in the last month dereseeek challenge “the account that the change should come to an unstable cost.”

“For businesses, it means AI can Soon accessible In small and medium businesses, not only tech giant with deep pockets, “Naidu added.

But Hassabish, being interviewed by artificial acting on Paris intelligence, arguing that DeepSeceek “as reported the cost of final cost.”

He also drives the idea that the rise of Derepasek has been in the economy of artificial intelligence development.

“We didn’t see any new silver bullet technologies,” Hassabish said. “Dereseeeek is not a greater electricity.”

His comments come to a time when, as Pymts writes last week, “Ai Arms Race takes,” with Google, META Microsoft and Amazon Planning together $ 320 billion In capital expenditure of 2025, most of it for AI.

Meta budget for capital expenditures can be reached for $ 65 billion, while Google has allocated $ 75 billion, mainly for data centers, data infrastructure. Amazon projects spend $ 100 billion, while Microsoft has booked $ 80 billion data centers, launching AI and launching AI and cloud-based applications.

Microsoft President Brad Smith wrote on the company blog in the last month the “artificial intelligence was electricity of our age,” setting the next revolution in the industry.

“However, AI is required HEFTY INVESTMENTS“Pymnts wrote.

“Training multiple language models uses thousands of GPUs (each NVIDIA GPU costs about $ 10,000 or more) or AI specialists. Running these AI models in measure also requires high performance data centers, which require multiple servers and require more repairs and maintenance. “

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