Software & Apps

Servo – open collective

Servo aims to give the power of developers with a rough light, alternate to embedding web applications in applications. Servo is a web rendering service

Mozilla’s research made in 2012, the servo project was an effort to research and development. It is written to betTake advantage of memory safety properties and parts of language intervention. Servo’s job helped to contribute W3C and whatwg Web Standards, Report detail issues and submission to new cross-browser patterns adopted by other browsers. As a novel engine with no start of Gecko or Webkit, the servo project helps drive the whole web platform ahead.

Of 2020, dealing with Mozilile given stewardship to Linux Foundation. In 2023, Thanks for some external funds and investing themselves, Ignno involved and the project moved to Linux Foundation Europe.

Funds from this collective will be used first to cover infrastructure costs to maintain engine releases, combined with web platfest tests, and so on. Once the needs have been completed, additional available funds can be used to sponsor many infra costs related to developments or advances.

This is a donation. No expected goods or services return. Any requests for refunds for goals will be rejected.

Servo Technical Stevingition Command collectively discuss how to initialize the expenditure of available funds in Public Month Call.

2025-03-01 18:01:00

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