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Severe supersonic air measured on a planet outside our solar system

Severe supersonic air measured on planet outside our solar system

The Wasp-127B artist’s imagination, a giant gas planet located about 520 light-theearl from the ground, showing the newly discovered stinonic jet wind moving on the planet’s equator. Credit: ESO / L. Kaldada

Astronomers discovered the most powerful air hanging on the Wasp-127B equator, a giant exoplanet. Reach speeds up to 33,000 km / h, the wind contains the fastest jet stream of its kind measured by a planet. The discovery is made with a larger European telescope overloaded Southern (ESO) in Chile and gives unique views of weather standards.

Tornados, storms and storms that damage the land, but scientists now find the air winds in a different kind, outside of SOLL System. Since discovery in 2016, Astronomers The Wasp-127b period investigated, a giant gas planet located in more than 500 poor people from the ground.

The planet is slightly greater than Jupiter, but there is only one part of its mass, making it “puffy.” An international team of astronomers has now made an unexpected discovery: Supersonic airs are frustrating on the planet.

“The part of the air on this planet keeps us in a High speed While the other side turns us off at the same speed, “Lisa Nortryn said, a scientist at the University of Göttingen, Germany, and Technology records. Air around the planet’s equator.”

At 9 km per second (close to a whopping 33,000 km / h), jet air move around six times the planet rotates. “It’s something we’ve never seen,” Nortrymann said. This is the fastest air measured by a jet stream surrounding a planet. In comparison, the fastest air measured in the solar system was found in Neptune, moving “only” only “0,500 km / h).

The team, whose research contamination today to Astronomy & AstrophysicsMap the weather and make-up to WASP-127B using plants + ESO’s VLT instrument. By measuring how the host star is light traveling on the surface at the planet’s surface, they have made track of its composition. Their results confirm the presence of water vapor and molecules carbon monoxide in the air on the planet.

But when the team tracked the speed of this material in the air, they observed – many of their surprise – a double peak, indicating that a part of the air moved toward us and the one far away from us and the one far away from us and the one far away from us and the one that was far away from us and the one far away from us and the one far away from us and the one far away from us and the one far away from us and the one far away from us and the one far away from us and the one far away from us and the one far away from us and the one that is far away from us and the one that is far away and the one that is far from our shortcomings. Researchers concluded that the jet stream winds around the equator explain this unexpected outcome.

The further reinforcement on their weather map, the team also knows that the poles are cooler than the rest of the planet. There is also a small difference in temperature between the sides of the morning and evening of the wasp-127b. “It shows that the planet has complex weather patterns such as land and other planets in our own system,” Fei Yan added, a co-author of the University of Science and Technology in China.

Explanet research field rapidly. To many years ago, astronomers can only measure mass and radius on planets outside the solar system. Today, telescopes like ESO’s VLT allowed scientists to scientists in these distant worlds and analyze their atmospheres.

“Understanding the dynamics of these exoplanets can help us to explore mechanisms such as heat change and Chemical processesDevelop our understanding of the planet’s formation and potential repairs at the beginning of our own solar system, “said David controversy from Ludgig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, and a co-author of the paper.

Interestingly, at the moment, studies like this can only be done with land-based observations, as instruments contained in velocity velocity. The most ESO telescope – built close to Chile’s VLT-and its instrument of Andes will allow researchers to be deeper than Weather patterns on the far-out planets.

“This means we can solve better details of air standards and expanding this research on small, rocky planets,” ending nortrynen.

More info:
L. Nortren et al, curse + transmission specroscopy at WASP-127 B, Astronomy & Astrophysics (2025). Doi: 10.1051 / 0004-6361 / 202450438

ticket: Severe supersonic air measured on a planet outside our solar system (2025, January 21) from

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2025-02-14 20:01:00

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