Shane Morris on LinkedIn: This is a good time to teach for those you know SQL. If you want …

This is a great opportunity to teach for what you know SQL. If you want to download government spending data, you can do it all – to be used in multiple formats, but especially available to postgresql. In this tweet, Elon Musk (and juice.) Did the conclusion of $ 4.7t in spending blank, “make pain almost impossible.” This is because the TAS is used in multiple tables, and used as a primary key to the tables of other foreign control tables. His team without discovering is not a waste. It’s a little thing I want to call, “more rookie architecture in the database.” In SQL, it can look like something like this: Create Table Vendor (Vendor_id Serial Primary Key, Vendornorame Varchar (50) not null); Create payment on the table (fee_id serial primary key, vendor_id int scounts vendor (vendor_id), pay_date date not null); So how is this work? See you on the second table I do has three columns. “Vendor references (vendor_id)” is a disabling foreign key. It implemented that any vendor_id amount of payment should have a valid vendor of vendor_ID at the vendor table. It continues to referralial integrity between two tables. It works exactly the same way with the TAS in the IRS database. I checked myself. It’s not optional. If you know someone who works for the doge, please let them know that I’m glad to walk them through the database architecture, and start sque level. I have an active clearance, and previously worked in many financial system financially.
2025-02-21 01:51:00