Share a chatgpt account with my wife

I just put Anthropic research on economic index In notebooklm and began to list the conversation, I got a question I asked Chatgpt: Know what you know so far, how is your advice?
I have been examined how chatgpt answers this question, and the answer is interesting because my wife and i share the same chatgpt pro account, but we use AI in different ways.
For some context, he works in the fields of education and social work that, me, more human and far from typical sit-in-computer work type. Because of my influence or other, he also used AI. She drafted materials for addiction prevention guides, writing contracts for her yoga business, look at health related information, and casual google search kind of searches in search of Google. I am mostly used for writing code, software building products, making market research, and imitating tasks for relaxation.
I’m under the impression that LLMs are used in software development or other technical work, but then listen to the notebooklm conversation, I know that is not the case. This research also proves this.
Notebooklm conversation in anthropic research in “What economic activities do AI do? Evidence from millions of conversations in Claude”
Within the last couple of years, I feel my other curve of learning AI.
Before, I watched YouTube tutorials and read stack overflow to learn coding. Now, I only use Converge With whispering, and honestly, this is the greatest amount I have ever taken from AI.
Before, we Severe recipe online or see them the YouTube. Now, we just asked the chatgpt.
My wife used to draft simple business contracts By mixing and matching the content he found in the public domain. Now, he uses better quality, less time allocated.
We used to struggle with financial decisions-That to invest, real estate is a good idea, when is the right time to buy a house, pension plans, S & P 500, Bitcoin, all. We never know it right. Now, we ask AI, and it helps us with the structure of our thinking.
For her small business yogaHe always depends on the experience and feelings of the gut to make decisions. Now, he added Ai’s opinion to mix.
Even the little things – if I still eat the eggs or where travel next – now helped.
It looks all these cases of use, I don’t think we don’t have AI tasks we want to do ourselves. However, AI has become a tool that helps us think, plan, and enforce tasks that are more effective.
Now, we spend more time with family, have a longer dinner, and more things we enjoy.
2025-02-12 01:02:00