Shockingly Galaxy Arine near Andromeda is just a million the milky street size

A group of astronomers discovered the next satellite galaxy nearest the next more complained, the Andromed Galaxia.
The satellite satellite of his satin is called andromeda xxxv and found about 3 million light light. The discovery of the galaxy gives an useful comparative device to study satellite galaxi on the singing of our own galaxy, the milky way. The squad results were Posted this week in the astrophood newspaper letter.
“I’m fully functional galasion, but are about a size of the size: you are atica the bell’s and bell cater, an astronomers at michigan university and senior release. I am “It’s like having a perfectly functional man that is the size of a rice grain.”
Andromeda xxxv is just about 20,000 times more massive than our sunshine – very small, even for a satellite galaxy. For comparison, the mass of the milky head is 1.5 Trillion Masse Solar, and the galaxies of the prosecase of the over 30 searr solar masses.
Even if it is a complete, andromed andromed Galaassia is small enough to be ensable by the gravitational andramada-a lot as satellite galaxies. The observed andromed benefit xxxv with the telescope of Hubble space.
“This type of Galaxy was just discovering around a system, in the past” “Bell said.” Now we can look after and is the first time we’ve done so out of our system. “
Hubble observations that not only andromed xxxv a satellite galaxy, but it is small enough to collect the questions on the stars too the stars.
“Most satellites of the milky satellites have old star populations. They stop forming the stars about 10 billion years ago:” sympacency of the study, in the same relationship. “What we see is that similar satellites in Andromeda can train stars until a few billion years ago-around 6 billion years.”
Search is possible in satellite shape and star shape earnings to the Milky Way from conditions in other paquates. There are everywhere 100 billion to 2 galaxies trillion In the observable universe, but such observable galaxics, lasting are difficult to seek – that is what you feel about the Hubble Hubble XXXV.
There are always exceptionally on the small galaxy – including how survived to the universe the warming almost 13 million years ago. “The entire universe turned in an oil”, Bell said: x, androba XXXV is so small that could perso you. But for several billion more, galaxy has continued to train stars.
The more observations could clarify the nature of this induison, pierced satellite-and to press, they can clear the gallows in Satisum.
2025-03-13 13:00:00