5.1. Solutions: ESO and ECO certification teams
Research has learned that 59% of ski resorts (more than 1000) closes North America (65% in one, 31% in Canada otherwise, we do not know the cause to close each mountain – This is not an original research question in our study. We believe that impetus for closure should be a priority research area for more than 1000 resorts closed in North America.
However, we find that there are closings of the entire continent and have transit to which states / provinces have most resorts across North America. In history, the highest number of resorts appeared in New York and New Hampshire states. However, today, no state in the US remains a lot of Quebec and Ontario, with 83 and 56 open resorts, in fact. Due to the essential percentage of disparaging resorts, it is possible, the long, canada can continue their ski resorts and may future leader in North America. While latitude and coldest weather can be positioned at Canadian resorts with a competitive advantage, long term, maintenance initiatives can also be a factor.
Many ski resorts have already broken. Active strategies can keep more from closing in the coming decades. To stay in business, the existing resorts in North America (
Figure 3 and
Figure 4) Should devise models of sustainable and habits that remain in business (
60). Options to remain competitive from one’s environmental views and maintenance include Ters Entily Completing initiatives with minimal technologies between work resorts, or make extraordinarily its models of counter rising costs.
To reduce environmental damage and keep the costs below, some resorts have committed continuity and hired individuals or teams that focus on maintenance and focus initiatives (
65). The new position of managing Snowbird in Utah in Utah is entitled to the reduction in carbon footprint, developing quality of air and community recovery, employees and visitors and visitors
67). Vail Resorts also hired a senior director of maintenance, whose job is to implement initiatives to all the mountains they own. Ski Resort companies should hire environmental management professionals side of ski operations. Furthermore, these individuals must work with existing environmental management systems (ECO labels, environmental certifications, maintenance systems) to achieve maintenance purposes.
There are many eco labels from which a mountain can choose to carry out many changes in their operations to increase lasting deeds. Environmental Management systems (EMS) are self-evaluation and self-evaluation for business, environment, and society (
20). National States National Ski Ski bodies (NSAA) agreed to an environmental charter that encourages the active stewardship of the environment (
68). They also have a group of climate challenges by lasting slopes program. This is a voluntary program used by the US National Ski National Ski association with cooperation with federal and state agencies. (
70). In addition, grants are available to support resort maintenance projects. More than USD 523,000 cash and in-upright grants are given additional industry maintenance (
71). Through these programs, it is recommended that resorts focus on multiple changes and not only in programs to create a new image or wash with green (
Other certifications include the alpine pearls, which focuses on a way for mountain municipalities to the Alps Alps Alps Alps Alps Alps Alps Alps Alps Alps by Alps by Alps by Alps by Alps Alps In Alps in Alps-Switzerland, Alemiano, Austria, Italy. There is also flocon vert, developed by the mountain mountains association and used as a means for mountains with prolonged development – most of the Swiss and French Alps. The Green Globe, another accreditor, more than lasting travel and tourism. This is based on ISO certifications and only one ski resort in France adopted the procedure (
73). Environmental protection project (EPA) ‘s Project XL confirms US mountains located in Federal Foral Forest lands. It is a system that rewards the environmental protection, while focusing on the relationship between the forest service, skiing developers, and environmentalists (
74). Unfortunately, certified ski mountains mainly in North America and France, and of course, different countries have different patterns and capabilities to manage conflict, equity and passion
75). Even with these certifications, many mountains should take effectiveness and new models to remain competitive.
5.2. Creative and models solutions for maintenance
While those who rely on ski skiing operates only in winter months, mountain managers now know a need to move from a winter winter model. Climate change and further visits to the “off-season” times now forced all ski resort managers to the streams of the year management if they wanted to remain competitive business (
76). More important for mountains of reduced talls to leave their offerings to be year-old (
77). Mounts should remain open, experiment with creative models, and / or with other mountains where they can share customers.
The mountains adapted to a more sustainable model should advertise this transfer. Customers appreciate lasting skiing and willing to pay for some lasting attitudes including small resorts, adjusted ski energy, or expanded low environmental effects (
78). The mountains should continue to make snow and stay open even if conditions are not ideal. While literature suggests that snowmaking has some environmental consequences, especially water and energy, using new technology and equipment can be used to lighten this effect (
79). The mountains could not provide for bad weather. The risk of behavior society by customers is important. Typical skiers planned to visit a day when mountain flames can ski less than the whole life in their life or stop skiing all. Only experts skies are likely to travel to another resort that may have better conditions or open (
Creation ideas to avoid shuttering include different ownership models, integration / technology sharing, and multi-mountain passes. For example, Japan has similar ski resort boom from 1960-1980 and a next decrease in late decades. However, instead of closing many of the mountains in Hakuba region, they also organize a collective resort destination, allowing economic and lasting economic infrastructure (
80) To remain competitive. North America’s resorts also began to consolidate and work together in the last decade.
Usually the usual Mountain Mountain.
Table 3). While some of the consequences of industrial mountain marters (eg, the epic Pass in Vail includes most mountains owned by the Vail plans further, the paths have different sacrifices. The other There is unlimited access to all mountains (IKON PASS), while some have 2 or 3 days to undergo each mountain (limited access and limited days depending on the mountain. Some of Pass specialists in a region (NY ski 3) and others who seek to attract people to their global choice (Epic Pass). There are always many people with customers with regard -Access, blacking dates, and better urge as many customers as possible. Multi-Pass merger can be a creative way to prevent run of resorts that closing. However, there are some other creatures of creative mountain managers and owners to be considered.
In our research, we know other creative models we believe to help a mountain ski to stay open and meet
Table 4). Public possession and university can lower prices, while other mountains can charge ten thousand dollars in the US or more. Some mountains, such as Winter Park (Wisconsin) or Galders Mills in Ski Hill (New York), owned and operated by a County Government or Municipality. These destinations may vary in cost of a mountain ski by local tax base and across other county parks. They can also be reduced to insurance costs because they have a policy for tourists year-year. Similar instance is federal ownership. Badger Pass (California) is located and owned by Yosemite National Park. Other models include mountains owned by a university, college or boarding school. Middlebury Snow Bowl (Vermont) owned and administered by Middlebury University. The Coppep3la Sige Area (California) is owned by Lassen College. Kent Hill Steboing School has its own mountain (Maine). These mountains and others owned by universities or colleges mixed with athletes, education and outreach publicly in a lasting ski resort model.
Another interesting model is the private club or private mountain mountain residency. You get an exclusive experience when you pay for luxury. In this template, you must pay a Membership Membership and / or own a mountain property to avoid and ski. This very high and frequent secret sliding-scale fees covers an increasing cost to support new equipment and infrastructure purchases. These unique paradigms make it possible (however danger) for mountains to remain open and can last. They take fewer visitors, have a small impact, and capable of running financial adaptation due to environmental changes. Hermitage Club at Haystack Mountain (Vermont) is an instance of this. While it was declared bankrupt in 2018, it was reopened by 2020 as a private member member. Yellowstone Club (Montana) also admits that the most exclusive private ski mountain in the world. Cimarron Mountain Club (Colorado) is another example. Unfortunately, these mountains are often inaccessible to average tourist, and less in design.