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Skich launched an alternative App Store on IOS in EU

Ofa tinder-like app to discover mobile games, announced Thursday the launch of a new market to put in closer competition with Alternative game shops like Apide and it Epic games. I am

Skich Store, a new Alternative Mobile Games Store, will be available for IOS users in the European Union. The company thinks about adjusting titles at the end of March, after the conference of game developers (Gdc).

The ad Marketplace iOS’s MarketPellation followed the recent implementation of a new regulations in the EU known as the Digital Aggital markets (DMA). I am The DMA is looking to reinforce the justice and competition imposes a series of requirements and limitations on technical giants as apple. Eg, limit iOS by the third party third party’s homework.

The interfold store resembles the skich app, who incorporates different social features and discoveries. These include a recommendation system that allows the users to run left or right to “match” with games you love. Also, the users can create activity playlistices to see what their friends are playing, and see chance to develop more titles.

Typically, app app do not include these types of social mechanics, so that’s so that skich thinks about being.

The company earns a 15% commission in all the purchase made in the Skich store, and also on the in-apps in-apps made by the scoreful parties through the market. Notamable, this marks the first-time skich generated to his business, CEO Sergey Budkovski said to Techcrunnch.

Apple, on the other hand, it takes 30% off 30% of developers in their App Store, making the skich a potential option of more appelling. However, a potential fighting to skich can be attracted a large player base in the set of the App Store, which million apps and games.

Skich roll his web platform attracts 100,000 organic visitors per month.

Budkovski shared that the store is expected to replace the existing skich app in the near future. A android version of the Skich store also thrown in May.

2025-03-13 16:00:00

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