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Sony’s network networks enforces the gamers in the world, leaving tens of thousands unable to access the services

A main network of SonyTion of SonyTion (PSN) the Saturday has left a thousand gamers unable to access online services, the app owls.

“We are aware of some users could primarily property with psn,” PlayStation tell about their social media platform, confirming the city users around the globe.

Connection Troubleshooters faded through the social media, with worshipers frustrated by error messages and login failures.

“PSN get a Friday night is criminal”, a London-based user called Ramos wrote on X, before twitter.

According to the DavedTTor’s tracking site, users begin to report the problems with PSN late Friday.

Shortly after, Sony responded to the users concerns, confirming problems without providing the details as possible of the accommodation.

The one’s Sony Sito Webs confirmed problems with their playstation network services. The Sustiabice Playstation said “Saper management services and toy account and services, as playstation, plays directory.

In October, the Playstation network has been down for several hours.×630/eb8e0d8e38cd4444006bc87ec568f2ca/ap25039480612114.jpg?v=c6b5070a57014f3b00753bf0e763f9c3

2025-02-08 17:58:00

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