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Spirit Review Sentia: a burning light without alcohol

I’m here to my neighboring bar to hear … something. What the feeling is supposed to do, I don’t know. Buckly, perhaps. Maybe the advice. Mais, soluted, the Best Press of they last: relaxation, confident, a yen light of connection. The possibility to forget, for a moment, the unfair terror to be alive.

I am not drinking alcohol. In their place, I have science. Specifically, what I had is a temperature shot in a room in a room in cloudy named called called, who has reached again on us

Felt spirits is a “0% ABV alcohol Botan Botanic Botan” that does not promise a bit of ooh-la-la-la-The feeling that their hopes are nice enough you don’t feel the necessity of refresh with a very risky sudden of whiskey.

3 bottles of felt spirit gaba nonalcoolic drinks in black and red gold flavors

Photography: Matthew Korfhage

Sentine’s non-cennalcolic drinks do not contain any particular drug, enough. But a dose only the grapes makes a feel a bit like that first moment you know you had a drink: it’s a promise of the drunkeness that never comes. I feel a bit of fuzziness in my front lobe, a tingling progression.

“It’s not the buzz, really,” Says One of Multiple Bartenders Who Also Fele Sheel Taste, Gaba Black-In the Spack-In The Spirit of Scientific. “It’s a slight. It’s the good part of being high without the stupid.”

Another barterator, asked to describe the feeling, makes a pair of non-tompmitttal Management, then figures will find words for it later.

In language of Trek starSentence is synlytol-The psychicative drink that is offered thesorically less consequences than alcohol and, of course, without hangover.

So how are the nonalcooly drinks make you tips? And is nice? We have a bit of thoughts, after trying three felt flavors with the help of a bit of the fate bartenders of the foda park.

A scientific pedigree

We are cooling: Similar products are often pures of bonnet and legs of gas, or that corrected in a natural food store that is always smiling.

But felt comes with a pedigree. The drink has been developed by a neurophock Chair to imperal college London who enjoy the glass of wine wine, but is long turkey for the solutions of the abused alcohol scout – which the cdc’s estimate is about 178,000 dead In the United States, don’t count the car crashes.

Nutt-that was personally sacken as a government adviser From the Secretary of Great Britain’s House That the Alcohol caused more general than cannabis or LSD-does not test people. The company has claimed, Next tabIt is instead of trying to introduce the replaced prusses, including a molecule called “alcecelle” that is currently tested.,c_limit/Sentia%20Spirits%20Nonalcoholic%20Drinks%20Reviewer%20Collage%20022025%20SOURCE%20Matthew%20Korfhage.jpg

2025-02-13 19:39:00

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