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The best non-stick pan for 2025

There are a few simple tests I performed on non-stick pans to also measure heating, surface flatness, as well as each pan’s non-stick properties and ability to release food.

Fried eggs and omelettes: classic non-stick

The first and undoubtedly the most important test shows us how well each pan releases sticky foods including eggs and pancakes. I cooked a fried egg and egg omelette in each. The hope is that each one releases the food completely once cooked with as little food left as possible. Indeed, all the fry pans released the eggs well during this test and not a single pan broke it. However, there were some variations in performance. The pans I selected as my top picks in each category all performed as well as or better than average.

Fried egg on a non-stick pan

This is the lift you can expect with a good non-stick pan.

David Watsky/CNET

Pancakes reveal everything. Well, a lot anyway

I also cooked a pancake in a pan in each pan – a test that does double duty. Beyond highlighting the non-stickiness of a pan, it also shows how evenly a pan heats and cooks.

After loading a cold pan with a cup of pancake batter, I turned the heat on and let it cook for two minutes. Normally, I add the pancake batter to a preheated pan, but here I want the batter to spread evenly and settle in the pan before cooking so I can really see if they have hot or cold spots. I flipped the pancake out of the pan and upside down. Yes, it was a messy affair, but what was revealed on the other side were pancake gradients that shed light on each pan’s ability to cook evenly on its surface.

Pancake evenly cooked on the plate

Browning a pancake shows us how evenly a pan cooks and how well it releases a notoriously sticky breakfast food.

David Watsky/CNET

Other considerations

During the realization of these tests, I also take care to note other factors such as the general size of a pan, the weight and the balance on the stove. I also think about the height and angle of slope of its sides, as well as the angle and construction of the handle. Some of these factors are certainly subjective, especially the comfort of handling, so it might make sense to find a kitchen utensil superstore and try different handles before making a final selection.

Misen's pan is on the stove

It might seem like a small thing, but the angle of the handle can make a big difference in maneuvering the pan. I love the subtle slope of the Misen pan. The rubber sheath was easy in my hand.

David Watsky/CNET

Durability of non-stick coatings

This is a more complicated factor to assess. Ultimately, you want your non-stick coating to last as long as possible, but you’re really only able to gauge this with consistent use over time. In my experience, decent non-stick pans will last three to four years before they really start to break down. While I don’t have the luxury of testing the durability of each pan over that time frame, I do look deep into the reviews on each pan to see if there were any red flags or patterns that might suggest they corrode more quickly.

closeup of non-stick surface showing wear

If your non-stick pan looks like this, it’s time for a fresh pan.

David Watsky/CNET

While no non-stick pan will last forever, our top pick Misen like the All-Clad Set they feature three layers of non-stick coating which should design gives them a longer life.

Price was one of the biggest factors

Because of the short life, it would be prudent not to spend a fortune on a non-stick pan. Besides the HexClad offering a unique hybrid surface meant to withstand metal utensils and wear and tear, I wouldn’t recommend spending more than $60 or $70 on a single non-stick pan.

If you go too cheap (bread under $40 or more), you’ll find that the non-stick coatings start to corrode much faster and you’ll need to replace them sooner. I’ve made this mistake before and it’s not worth it just to save a few bucks.

Cost and value were some of the biggest determining factors I considered when choosing the best non-stick pans for 2024.

2025-01-09 11:27:00

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