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The fort and Trump Knox trip is of bitcoin

Can a President can make money from thin air? On paper, yes.

Donald Trump and Elon Musk talked to the Fort Knox lately, the place where America keeps their gold officers. They both said that they take a journey to site soon to check it and make sure the gold is there. According to Trump and Musk, they want to make sure no one has stolen the gold. The reality behind the scheme can be something stupid and more dangerous: they are gold will be wide and they can use it to create a bitcoin reserve.

The idea that Fort Knox is that gold is a gold is a good work shipping trip and musk work love those. The 24th February, while gathered French Presider Emmanuel Macron, Trump Opined in gold possibly. “Currently going to FT Knox to see if gold there is. Why maybe someone stole the golden tons of gold” Trump said during the appearance. Musk has been published on X on the problem and over the last few days.

Gold is probably here. There is a great deal, and chances that someone has to get away without someone noted are zero. Unauthorized personnel went on the turn to inspect the gold only three times before. President Franklin D. Roosevelt went in 1943. I am Congress has gone with a group of journalists in 1974. In 2017, during the first presidency of Trump, ThreeAcury Rochin vanished with McConnell. There are pictures of the grinning pair like idiots, holding gold bars, and signing their names on the wall.

But is the visit of 1943 from Rooselvet that is more instructed here and powerful the gold of America to skip a strategic bitcoin reserve. That would be, being clear, be very stupid. This issue has been extensively covered and it in a depth by Nathan Tankus in his blog, notes on crises. To feel tankus say, the way Fort Knox is “A scam has built atop an accounting gimmick wrapped in bullshit

It’s about the chairman earning money from thin air. President has the authority to establish America’s gold price. Roosevelt has done this in 1934 after America went from the gold standard. At the time, US was saying the gold price is worth $ 20.67 an ounce end. Roosevelt said that it really is worth 35 $, and so was. Created $ 2,819,000.000. It is a book maintenance of a book but whoever allowed them invest in the World’s World Mostial Fill. About one billion her sat on the books and has been used to avoid the first crisis of the country’s debt in 1953.

When Trump and Musk Visit Fort Knox, they find 5,000 tons of gold sitting in gold bars. The gold that the US values ​​currently at $ 42 ounce. The gold that will be worth $ 2,800 an onza on the open market. With the wave of a hand, Trump could change The price of us gold and injectually hundreds of billion dollars in the balance of the US balance. Has the authority; The Supreme Court says so. Roosevelt caused a constitutional crisis when he climbed the golden price in the 1930. Scots ruled in his favor in Perry v. United States. Trump can be served by the previous one.

And what do you do with a $ 800 billion dollars? Why, buy bitcoin, safe. The idea of ​​changing the golden price and use the money to start a reserve bitcoin strategic has has been around for a while. Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wy) introduced a bill In the Congress in summer the Summer Call Innuation Technology, and competizing through the optimum national nation investment (Bitcoin) act.

Act LAST TAKE TAKE TEST THE TEST CERTIFIED GIFT CERTIFIED IN THE CURRENT MARCH OF THE CURRENT MARCE AND HOLD US CERTIFIED TO PURCHASE BITCOINS. Could it happen actually? It is possible. We live in odd times, stupid, and without previous. President says planning to take the world’s richest man on a trip in Fort Knox. It is possible that when they are found, they say that gold has not disappeared. They can say that there is a lot more than what they were looking.

2025-02-27 22:05:00

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