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The Foundation’s image has become a generic AI capacity in the platform

Fifteen years ago, Freepik Designers were a picture of the same campaign that helped their projects to find proper visual objects. Today, this fully represented more than 60 million people per month

Shift was not accidentally. In addition to the purpose of achieving his goal and static illnesses, it was the result of the company who is ready to look at something bigger as a bigger.

Sitting in his living room, and FREEPIK CEO Joaquín Cuenca ablala talked with Interpretation The condition of the AIN and company worked, and by the generating artists has led to a narrative artists.

“When the generating month appears, we saw our example our example,” he said Interpretation. “We no longer be limited to designers to help the designers. Instead, we can adapt to what they need and create something unique for everyone. “

Will be paid warm. Freepik Now is now a single store, ejecting, animation, animation, and a single store for others for the video generies. Cuenca Abel is just: “We just want to manage the works”.

Figure: Freepik

From the Blank page to AI engine

Freepik started with a simple place: Eliminate the vacant page. To AI, the platform has shown that millions of warehouses and templates can be used by starting millions of warehouses.

“The least, painful part of the creative process, said” from zero, “said Cuenka Ablea.” We helped designers to provide people’s photos to designers. “

General AI and Frieve and Friection are just offered a library and offer a strong library. “Doubbrets were not included in the traditional FREEPik user” but a photographer said. “They had pictures before. But now we are on our own ops, and they can never improve them in any possible way.”

In addition to graphic designers, shift has expanded its audience. Artists use it, use the pictures of Twit and uprisings. Experiment to those who make an experiment with drops and domestic designers, which take a while, and create expensive things, and of course we are talking about.

Not a different picture generator

In the majority of the hotel, the leupeik workshop pays attention to the integration integration. Most AI weapons specialize in something, and this image be to generation, video, or evil. Freepik makes them like a hub that combines them in any open and closed month.

AI Suite as one of other services:

  • Picture with Mistoms, Fills, ideogram, and Google Imagen
  • Special Lora Training for a convenient nature and style generation
  • Video generation, including Google’s V2, Hunyuan, Luma, Kling, Miminax
  • Edit tools for deviation, destruction, filters, and unin-visible image
  • Audio Genesis, including music, sound and sound effects
  • Opportunities for SVG conversion for vector objects.

One of the greatest stories of success AmazingFreepik’s above women. This image to improve the details was a viral model, without distorting them.

He then had a mystical cold to compete against art models such as informational or Mirjourney. Mystical activity, work with a lot of flus as a large model of Twiles behind the back of the Saine.

This is many experts and amateur tried up to Mimic The secret sai of Frierist is based on open source models Mixed results. Flexacild has a way to provide quality results, with the result of the best user interface, is what customers pay.

“People will sometimes destroy the difference between good products and a wonderful product,” said Cuenka Abla. “The last 10% of the last 10% effort is 90%. Therefore, many are enlarged, but they could not do so.”

Copyright dispute

AI comes with the content of the contradictions. Most artists claim that AI developers do not have to teach their models unfairly Using copyright without permission. Cuenca Abela did not cease to worry, but he said differently.

“If you require each of the Creator from one person to teach Ai model, then there is no such models,” he said. “Before Google starts before Google, you can ask permission to index for index.”

He admits tension.

“This is the icon of the artist, using an artist’s Creator. (Affected) for artists’ state of deep injustice,” he said InterpretationUnderstand that such endurance has compelled them as a business. “Something similar to us. When (Ai) appeared, our business is not very cheaper at the table. We had to get used to the table.”

He said, the pictures created by that moon cannot be directly copied. “Complaining Traditional painters are usually used without permission, which is completely true.” “However, the anti-counseling picks will not be copied. If a person has created them, there will be no requirement.”

The core of the dispute is mainly between creative control and technological progress. Cuenca Abela believes in society Picture Killing the image, digital art Killing traditional art or Internet search engines to kill the encyclopedia.

“As a society, we need to balance the things and make decisions. If the Creator is required to allow the Creator, then there is no generating models for text text and pictures if it is necessary to teach the model.” He said: “If this happens, if so, if so,” If so, “If the” If the “If the” you “do not lose all progress shown by text models” They help us find vaccines. They are highly scientific guidance that they will bring to us.

Cuenka also sees the moon as a tool for self-expression. It is not different AI Artists from Artists.

“No difference. This weapon. Ai says the message of what you want depends on the pictures, good, pictures, pictures, pictures, and pictures,” he said Interpretation.

“For me, this is a completely art and it is legitimate. I have no ethical problem.”

Open models vs. Closed systems

Finally, the closed source is usually better than open options used than open options for the closed source with users, models and technologies. But things that have been for several years have changed dramatically.

Permanent diffusion Lana, Lama, Llama the key to the mass of local text generies, and soon, Deepeeek R1 Disposal of closed source of fresh AI Excessive processing of their models.

However, some users still choose the parameters in the closed source. Oene Abla, there are strong views between the future of the monthly industry, especially from open source and ownership models.

“In terms of the code, the transparency of art,” he said, as the private models, “he said. “The biggest difference is the teaching time and database, training phase, celebration, slightly good mark, etc.

Provision models such as installation and ideogram will be more cleansed and quickly covers mountainous alternatives quickly. As an example, flux describes flux: “This is the small step of this most beautifully closed models, but it is not two steps. And it is open to the community and sometimes exceeded the small ribon and closed copies.”

One of the good shale’s melodes. Photo: Civitai

For Freepik, preferences for sweet and flexibility. “He who knows the wet use will have a better quality of the middle,” said Cuka Abel. “If you need a photomarist IMAGEN. If you need a photographer Imagen, use IdeGram. If you need a text generation, use the larara. There is no answer to any model.

In other words, there is no secret of all trade sales in the month. All parties to selective selection models on the question

Freepik’s Ai Video Bet

Freepik has recently been reduced to Freepik Video Video Video Video. Company Google’s Veo 2 integratedThe video brings sharply.

“We need to get 10 or 20 videos to get the person you are working,” said Cuenka Abla, “said now, you can get better.”

However, the video said the real game-changer of the actual AI was ahead. Instead of creating short clips, users will soon collect videos in the full FREEPIK.

“Today you can only make video clips, only 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 8 seconds, and after the fact that they have finished spending an audio,” Cuenca Abla Interpretation.

“The goal is to create creative hub – you don’t have to leave the platform to complete the project,” he said.

AI future: Occupational or anxiety?

We are close to the artificial general mind, or agi? Machines change us? Cuenca Abela see rapidly as an interesting and concern.

“(AGI) admitted to a person who is now waiting for a few years ago. “We are dismissed from those who have worked as a toy that we have worked as a toy being dismissed.”

Have a not really It can be used to come to an agreement about what agi is clear, but to justify artificial mental ideas, education, and further adjusting to new problems, and the educated intelligence. Currently, it is better than some things, but in the state of “narrow-AI”, which differs from the lack of others.

It creates a shift, arguing, and poses big existent questions. “The machines can be burned or on. People cannot do. People cannot do. These differences” said. “This we always have a unique place with a unique place.”

When I was afraid to change a person’s work, Cuenca Abel remain optimistic. “I think this feels very deep and strong acceleration, it is a little more excessive. We don’t know what we can achieve in the future.”

When it comes to the ground, he may bring to the nearest future to help us use cars, which will be used to be used and high quality results. The new philosophy of Flepics seeks to this direction and aimed at a khan to artists to turn into one khan.

“This is our mission: Tenti Abel,” he said to people to create a large design to express the power of their ideas. ” “For us a

Edited by Andrew hayward

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