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The iPhone left behind me, but the Galaxy S22E always has to try

The entire telephone landscape landscape is to be baked in those with access to the generating device and those without. Mi iPhone 14 Pro and are on the wrong end of that division line. My device is cut from the latest functions two years, a simple 2 GB of RAM, and the burrows Neuric processor. Now that the Samsung galaxy s25 The lineup is on the horizon, and the $ 1,300 S2 ultra looks like a lot like an iPhone, I remember how old the older devices are missing, not only on Newfangled AI, but everything else.

In my job, I will use more of the last phones that most people but those devices are all silent to my job. My life and the calendar depends on my iPhone 14 pro. Two years ago, i Changed from android to the iPhone, Apple Flagship’s phone. Since then, the mobile landscape has dropped. The difference is not seen so much in landmark hardware features but in software compatibility. The one’s iphone 15 pro was the first device that should receive a promised support for the functions ai, and now the iPhone 16 Lineup should all access the Apple intelligence. According to Prolific Prolific Bloáberg Paf Gurman, Most Apple’s AI features should come to April.

A photo showing three screenshots from the game image
Playground image is just one presentation of the exclusive iPhone Intelligence to the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 16. © Flag Ion / Gizmodo

Apple’s fans should be aware of the features I promise, but Samsung Beat Apple to the AIDS ADVENTION AI with his series of Galaxy S25. The ai has encroaching a confusing the mix of both on the functions ai off. I am As appleThe amgoing of the japan of users also kept safe on their soc in their own Knox security, while all the data sent to the cloud would be END ends.

It is clear Samsung wants the iPhone crowd to consider the switch. The Galaxy Line S25 S2PHSPHIP WANTS with the sides, titanium sides and corners included. I will hide that the phone had me in his throat when holding the new device and on-device intriguing ai has completely familiar, not just because I used the 1,300 Galaxy S24 Ultra for work. There has been a betrayal pag plus a mix of envy and anger. I felt like goldum includes a ring for the first time I crashed to the passage the technical newspapers with wild eyes, expenses.

But then, I had to remember that you have also to wear his promise. I just experienced a short demo with the agent “cryce-checking” I’ll have to trust you to take my information from an email and transcript precisely in a calendar event. Even if it works nine times from 10, how can I really trust if you sometimes turn around and write my schedule? If I spend most of my time to check the ay work, it’s past the time I could have just past the task itself.

So, what are you really missing? I found the android toward IOS debate widely nebulous, however, at all, android has features already IOS is always catching. I am None of those missing chiefs do or break my pleasure of my phone, in any case. To warm up on the feelings of two or several iPhones-Gen iPhones-Gen Iphones, the thought that we spent $ 1,000 on a new phone just to be left.

Samsung Galaxy S25 San Jose 05
© Photo: Adriano Contras / Gizmodo

It’s worse because apple is generally better than most of the supply software support for older devices. According to the apple, all the sports machs a m-series processor will have ai. This means a four-year-old MacBook, log in to get Intelligence of Apple features. It is different for phones, despite most apple excuses to the last thing and a17 bionic cpus and their ai processing capacity. The iPhone 15 pro had 8 GB of RAM. The iPhone 14 Pro has had 6 GB. Due to that limited memory, each generation of iPhone will leave me and many other iphone buyers are more than we are unless you updated.

Each phone maker would rather buy a new phone each year, but I don’t believe to change my technology as a pair of pants. And the odd thing is always we know if they are features we want. Generative is so reliable that Apple has already pulled out his beta for notifications summaries. So why should we care? While the oldest devices can get new best and a few characteristic of crumThe new Apple Focus is in providing the ai that can work through app.

The recent of samsung is engaged is an instance of what you expect. The next Apple software release will be completely focused in AI. We will need to wait for at least one month for a complete release of Apple intelligence, reinforcante Siri Beta, and more. We are looking forward to the next Apple WWDC to be something but a stravage ai?

Samsung has been better than providing any ability to older devices but the Galaxia S23 LineP and also the S24 will be limited to the S25. There is a Samsuung’s Reason gave S25, S25 +, and S2 Ultra 12 GB of RAM. It is clear that agentic is the memory intensive, and we still see in full glory with Samsung or Apple devices.

Even if you don’t mind or want to have, you always lose. The Techno-Feuding of today versus is the IOS debate is not helped by the owners who are more divided between the ai hads and you have it.

2025-01-27 23:06:00

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