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The Metro Creator 4a rebrands games as reborn and develops new title the quimera

4a Ukraine games put Ukraine on the game game game with the number of subway. Now is rename as Reburn and is not unpleasant a new intellectual property called The chimera. I am

While the metro has done in a post-apocalyptic world wounded under the fierce and a fierce-set game set in a dmyro’s pose in a dmyro’s and ceyvory.

Stri-Fi Shooter game, the quimera, is available for kindness now and weakness on the PC via the via via vine. It’s an exciting game with a fairly intense trailer, and that he gives up to the metro metro 2033 (2010), Metro (2013) and Muno Exodes (2019). (Metro warns (2024 vr title) has been separately separately from vertigo games via the hug).

Stephan stops in front of the Aurora train in exodine meter.
Stephan stops in front of the Aurora train in exodine meter.

In motion from his established IP, KYIV, REBURNED RBURN IN UCRAINE makes something rare. Most game companies are addicted to sequels. But reburn took a risk on the new brand iP.

The quimera accomplish a side-sided pacement and lavh jungle, where the player passes in the customary exposure of a sinking bath of the bathroom.

The world and narration of the quimera is written and created by Nicolas who sold no (drive, neon, Waron) and Eja Warren. By combining lateral folklore with the very advanced weapons and the quimera will be played in a single player or two friends in Cooper – for a total of three players.

The fans of the past Teams will shout a tits of tits and intimate spoken with game experiences for the unique and high-detail environments, characters and weapons. (There is no multiplayer version).

The quimera is a sitting shooter set in latin america.

“After working in metro, we decided to be municipated in a bit of brightest park, but we still have the story. That’s what I am well for the fair of metro,” Lymar said. “Game is set to Latin America in the future, with the most modern technology. It gives us a little bit of experiments, and samples are replaced by the copper, that is the kind of interesting tort.”

In the game, players will take a way of operacies of a private military companies, who has seen better times. That’s where the story begins. If one of the main operating in the story.

The chimera reveal

The quimera is lighter than the sub of the metro, but it’s not really happier.

“Reburn is proud to intrude the quimera, who draws our successful youth meeting narratives road to the mature series”, he said Linen. “We are looking forward to sharing this mysterious new world with players and hoping to reveal to joining the fighting.”

DMyro Lymar is CEO of Reburn.

The most of the past Replount of the past 110’s developers includes the game design, and more from the whole series is working in the Games from 2006, and first served as a director of 4A Ukraine games.

More game information the game quimera and vicious Support will be shared in the months coming from reburn. Check out official Reburn Web, you go wishlist to Steam, and follow revern on Facebook, youTube, the bluesky, and letting for development and linking.

The game really doesn’t really have the magic realism, but there is some mysticism in it. And if you last the former cultural crops, such as cultures mayan and some deaths of death.

“We have shy sheri that are related to the world’s world and political news, and the world’s changes to you.” Don’t c breaker the war with the game, but has some related topics. “

Splitting in two

The art of the quimera looks like a triple-one game.

4th games has been founded in kyiv in Ukraine in 2006, and the development of metro 2033 started. The company has built his own 4A game engine.

In 2007, 4th of the Ukraine worked through his office Ciru to sign the Thq to the Fill in the background 2033. IP rights to 4a Ukrainian engine.

The title went out in 2010 and it was a hit as a triple-one game. Then thq has signed up for the development of the light of light.

But in 2012, thq was furrowed rights further lights have been acquired in a sales from the koch, that operates under the marchimin of silver.

In 2014, Russia attached the Ukraine for the first time. Part of the team left and found their own study in malta.

“The situation wasn’t as great, and some people wanted to leave the country. We have organized and helped them a little, and have set a study at malta,” Lymar said.

That he he has become 4aulily, and they are agreeded in complete by a third game, memo emous. Both studi worked together. The Title of the Metro Esobus released in 2019, and all studies has enough to fly to work in their games independently.

To settle from the quimera.

In 2020, 4a Malta has been acquired by brbracer group, that owns the metro IP. But 4th Ukraine has received additional funds to the bottom regardless of a new project’s development based on his own IP, the quimera. And now he rebuked as Reburn. Brand 4a has been with 4th malta, but both businesses can use the engine 4a. The Reburn worked but should I handle the invasion of 2022 and covid-19 too.

“It has been disrupted, but led people together more. I feel the most of the point in time. We have been challenged with investors in the morning when the war started at the 2022 of February 2022. But the team has managed to work.

The Rebuke’s name will evoke the word “Rebern”, and is similar to a reincarnation of something, Lymar’s reincarnation. In as to survive the business of the war’s business, “would have no other than choice. We support the exercise. We get a lot of the world even, we will be grateful. We are looking forward to the work.”
2025-02-27 18:00:00

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