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The neural files of Elon Musk to the brand’s telepass

ELON MUB implant company Neurorablesubmitted the applications presented with the US relative and the brand office (USPTO) to possess the names only TelepathyTeliciniis, and others for future products.

Neuralink, which Musk cooking in 2016, develop technology knows a brain’s horror, a system that decodes the brain activity to control a device of outption. Musk said the first product of the company will be called telepathy and allow people with paralysis the ability to control a computer or phone only to think. But the neural brand application suggests the company has the ambitions of their technology that allows telepatic communication not only with electronic devices, but between human beings.

Neural interface involves the brain implant who collects neural signs and translates those signals in the cursor on a computer screen. Until the hour, three people have received neuralial implantic of neurally as part of a study of phonasibility. The first, Noland archedInviled brain surgery in January 202 to get the device. In November, the business has received permission to open a test site in Canada. I am

The company Brand application for telepathyFILED U 3 March, describes product as “a brain implanted to the computer interface to facilitate communication and control of the program.” The question of “COMMUNITATION” COMMUNITATION “CANNOT HELD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO MAKE A WORKING device, but could also mean the talypatics communication with neurose implags.

“The question is, what kind of communication?” TELL THE BOUGH THE BOUNCY JOSH GERBEN, FOUNDER HERPEN. “Sometimes things hide in a clear view in these applications.” However, she has protected to be elplicated and excessively comprehensive specifically increased the telepatic communication, however, fit with the wider vision of musk for neural.

Musk was very interested in the concept of activating the telepass with a computer interface. In a The back illustrated by the 2017 In which he spoke the idea behind his new neuric company, the musk protruded for communication thought between people. “If I had been communicating a concept for you, you should be a consecutable telepathy. I wouldn’t need a little flair to the conversation that it is difficult to conceive now,” Musk he said Blogger Tim Urbana.

Most ambitioning, Musk discussed neurally telepatum ambition Podcast of Lex Carmman in 2054 August. ” New Midi to interact with the computer can be unlocked, “Cotman, Refer to the Neurical Device.” And with other humans, “MUSK responded.” Provide they want to have – a neurals too. “

Musk made you specified that healthy people have eventually get the brain implants, allowing the man get “symbiosis” with artificial intelligence. I am,c_limit/Neuralink-Trademark-Applications-Science-1895290460.jpg

2025-03-08 01:17:00

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