The preferred outline of the web server for TCL!

What is Tänzer?
Tänzer is a minimalistic web server framework for TCL that provides a straightforward environment for writing on HTTP / 1.1 Web. Tänzer is an act of going on.
Asynchronous http / 1.1 web server
Standard requested route machine in pattern
SCGI support and server support
CGI Executable Support
Easy static file service
Works outside-in-box at TCL 8.6
Write asynchronous web application should not be complicated. Fortunately, Tänzer is in taking you on a dance trip to the risks of maintenance requests, HTTP and CGI message service. Write “Hi, world!” With Tänzer a snap! And so do everything you want to do. Write your app with Tänzer today.
From zero in web service in no time flat!
Package Require Tanzer Set Server (:: Tanzer :: Server New) $ Server Route Get / * {. *: 8080} “Write” {Content-Type “Text / Plain” X-Foo “Bar” }) $ session Response buffer “Hello, World!” The $ Session Session of $ SerseRequest}} $ server Hears 8080

Don’t let another frame stand in your way.
2025-03-16 22:32:00