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The revolutionary head that released namibia

Wycliffe muia in nairobobi & frauke jensen in windhoek


AFP Namiibian Sam Nujoma are addresses a rally in Windhoek in windhoek to support their HifikePunYe Successor Pokamba Pokamba 1 November 2004.Afp

Sam Nujoma drove the Namibia from brutalized cologne at independent nation

VORIOUS as a “nation’s father” and the release icon of the Namiba, Sam Nujoma has lived up to these expectations in more ways.

Her hot smile, wide and an easy way, the righteous and accessible.

Either a donning a follow to a leisure of Windhoek’s entertainment, or insisting on his driver of their official motorcycles, intended to be a man of people.

Now, four decades after drunk to a war of the war of the surroundings war against the South Africa’s racist and for independence, the pojom is dead older 95. I am

Died on Saturday after being in hospital for three weeks because of “sanitation sickness”, the President MBumba announced in a statementBy adjusting that death had “shaken” the country.

Combat for freedom

The giant that formed namibia namibia lets a void can hope to fill in.

Namibia, first named Dead of South Dice of School violence and Colonial in Europeans’s hands had the country around the ride of the 18th century.

They start in 1904, German colonizers kill tens of thousands of Namibi in what the world was “Forgot forgotten”. I am The German farmers used for pigs for poms for horrible horribly followed by the nazons where the holocaust.

Namibia was subject to German occupation from 1884 until 1915, when the old for losses in the global to the global level.

Aziably then he fell under the rule of the Southfrica Bianca, who has owned its legs initiation in the village, individual tracks in the political rights, in eventual period of social and economic.

The introduction of the garbage legislation led to a warriil warrior of independence that broke in 1966.

For this stood, nujoma was already involved in the fight against the minor rule.

The self-employed one family child of a family was saying the northern country of the Elynoys had a modest starting in life, with little more than one school education.

Married with Kovbo Theopoline Katjimune with who has four children, and working in a railway a rail for the politics and expansion of Cologneism.

The inspiration has arrived in the stories of initial resistance, such as Hindrik Witboi, which havoched against the Germans in 1880.

From 1959, nujoma had become the head of Organization Owamboland, the movement of independence that was a scheduled to swap.

One year later, he has 30, nujoma had been hidden in exile. Without passport, used his accomplishment to adopt different people and blagged its way on the trains and plans – Final in Zambia and Tanzania before returning to Africa to the felony.

With the help of the new authority that were primary primary of the black lovers for independence, flujoma flyed to haunting adjustment nambaga sha indession

Nujoma was brand a “marxist” of the white heads by the latin’s strength that shared at the alleytype, posing a joyful challenge to many countries in many countries

With support from Cuban troops that stood fighting in angola, Swolillas sway were able to attack the basis of sweep.

Return it from the exile, nujoma was rapidly carried by the South African authorities and deported to Zambia six years later.

“I know that only military mobe and political mobility to strength to South Africa out of Namibia ,, Namie, who is published in 2001.

LED, Swarque Forces from exile, before returning to the country in 1989, a year after South:

South Africa became lighter internal international and the cost of military intervention had been increasing. Namibia finally gained independence in 1990 after almost 25 years of war.

Building a nation

In the first Namibiars Democratic Elections in 1990, SWAPO has won a major big and the nujoma became the first president of the country.

The Nujoma was especially worn with the children’s situation, introducing the obligatory maintenance payments to contribute to the cost of its hurry.

Also has the women’s advancement, they help change traditional patrician pizzies that forced to be the house a house so marry died.

Also appeared in demise to preserve stability to ensure development efforts have been supported by international donors.

Nujoma was reached for two land in 1994 and 1999 – when it was the constitution has changed so that might have for a third term in office.

Swappa AfP supporters sing to the Election of the final election of the Party's Election that was asserted by Sam Nujoma, President present to Windhoek 19 1999. Afp

Nujoma has been criticized when changed the constitution to perform for President a third time

When criticized for his or her government style of the political past, their party’s wide smile could turn the sour. Indicating a finger to whom it showed the open question or criticizing, it has afraid of their accounting and insults hurl.

He will open the stancy relationships but they never went as to change the opinion oa law to make them illegally.

Nujoma always has no zernician with Zimbia Robert of Zimbia her the most clear of aggression against those who disagree with him.

However through the Machine Swapho, would have enough pressure on the common common and to sharp parts of the government’s coffers to ensure a government.

The nujoma cabinet was often dictated to rather than reaching decisions from the common debate, such as it was their power.

When I faded as president in 2005 and president combine in 2007 after doorway through 47 years – he’s donating it to his succeed, Hifikepunite Pohamba.

Even after State Departure, Nujoma also thrive considerable power over the party and government from behind the scenes.

However their realities as they are incunctions are innoidable, with many namibians has to drive the smooth transition of the village of the Democratic rule.

Since independence, Namibia has been viewed as one of the Africa’s successful stories, with regular and democratic elections.

And, badly humiliations and revolutions in the white namibrios, nujoma rolled the country constitution to save the rights of all Namibi.

The politics of the National Conconciliation Unknown the country’s White community to be, he is a main role in farming and other economic sectors.

The ability to unify a nation of three million people – between 10 ethnic and linguistic communities – a lot of admiration.

In acknowledgment of his testing achievement, the official of “Namibia of” Namibia “in 2005. Numerosis International Peace Performs the Endo H Ho Minh Peace Prezee.

Of their last few years, nujoma disappeared from the limeline, prefer to spend time with their great family.

It is remembered for his easy charm and unfairly-fell-father not only to a family but a whole nation.

Additional Natasha Booty Report

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2025-02-09 07:44:00

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