Staffers have already placed. “People have painted the bins to say” Antarctica is for everyone “in the rainbows of people (keep) maintain the appetizing preferred for the Egyptian”. The source says.
“There is a sense of station of the station as people have never felt before,” they add. “Work is always to do, even if people feel like the next shoe can drop at any time.”
That the restless extends to their own job security. “There are some people in the south society that are worried about losing their homework everyday,” a source with the situation of the situation has been wired. The present workers are unable to physically departed until October, and a funding loss, or loss, they feature a single set of challenges.
Sources are also bracked for at least a 50 percent reduction in NSF budget Due to the dogs cuts. These cuts are sending antarty scientists with the assistants and students of the graduate they discard. “We don’t know if we can pay graduate students”, says a scientist. While search is carried out on the continent, scientists bring their back results in the United States to process and analyze. A funding funding also works the science self: for a project you need the ad, the scientific “was literally cartoons for an experiance have familied.” The one did not come to claws, but as the funding cycles revive in the weeks of coming, the months, scientists are in tenterhooks.
Sources says Amphians, Canada, and China has started to take advantage of that uncertainty of recruiting scientists with the anartiga.
“Foreign countries are actively recruit my colleagues, and some have already left,” says an antitic scientist. “My students see jobs in the jobs … people came (to the US) to make their science all my life. Now people go to the other way.”
“Now that’s a good time to see if that someone wants to jump the ship,” another Antarctic scientist says. “I worry about a brain flows on the academic, or students that are shared.”
“Damage caused by science budget (antarctic) as this is going to the latest generations,” says another.
In all of the Cogust the federal government, representants reported that if something should be delivered. In some cases, the reversals are already occurring US Department of the USA has said accidentally shot The basors that work in prevention of the spreading of birds and try to carry out.
But in the Antarctica, a live will not be necessarily. “One of the most spelling things the thing is that Antarstic budget is cut, then will come even the open station,” a antaruous scientist is said; “If the South Pole (Station) is locked, it is basically impossible to return. All frozen and fit in snow. And some other country likely take place immediately.,c_limit/GettyImages-453765600.jpg
2025-02-27 15:00:00