The Volct is aimed at bringing a bitcoin lightning network in the world

Founder: Gram criss
Date of creation: October 20
Home Office Location: Wichita, Kansas
Number of employees: 17
Website: https://www.Voltagex.loud/
Social or private? Private
In 2012, Graham Crishek opened after Bitkoin and later began to promote Beitcoin’s manuals, and began to help Bithkoine build their own applications.
“Once you scratch everything, everything is building everything again and again,” said the Crisk Bitcoin magazine. “If you could create a bitkoine infrastructure, there was no cloud environment.”
At that time, the crisckere was not forced to act on this issue. He still drew attention to the companies that worked as a large seller, as well as companies working as a large seller, as well as companies working as a large seller, as well as companies working for companies, as well as companies working for companies.
However, when he found out about the lightning branch, something changed to him.
He knew that if he saw his potential and accepted it, it was easy to use it.
“When I found my lightning, I said,” I said, I said it’s a bitko’s adoption.
“Then I saw a single example with Beitcoin. All started in the building, felt more difficult,” added that it was very difficult, “he added.
“I will develop the applications that the cloud profers needed, and we will be able to build projects that we want to be much easier for us. “
Thus, the creation of such products.
He shared his first iteration with friends and acquaintances, most of them used to use it, most of them demanded more.
“Before I, like me, I have to close it, because I can’t save it, because I have to make it a business,” he said.
He decided by the last and the end of the 2020, and it founded Tension.
How to voluntarily
Tensions will use the way to disseminate the lightning network and use the complexity of the lightning by circumstances by circulating a channel.
His network, its social key, its social key, peer, balance, balance, balance, and transactions
The chicken helps users to manage users management, while working on a volunteer cloud, we can help users to manage liquidity and offer other forms of customer service form.
In fact, voltage and remove difficulties in supporting its users to support its users. These institutions are trying to help the institutions with more willingness. The crisek also said that there were new products and opportunities for their integration and even traditional financial companies.
“The tension mission is a crunching branch that includes bitkoine and the planet,” the crisek said.
“Lightning is amazing. This has very amazing opportunities, but for business, especially in business operations, especially in business operations, especially in Bithkoine or Crypto.
“We make it easier to use and plug it.”
What types of lightning companies use?
Last year, a large crypto exchange Coinbase and Latin America’s largest Fintech Bank NUBank been included in the lightning of their work.
The crisert sees this trend that the crycon exchange, Nebasts and other Financial Services before the next year.
“Financial companies, of course, become the largest engine, as if you require the sub-second settlement with zero payments and contact this business,” said Krizek.
In addition to the Crishek, Crishek, Crypto and Financy, they see companies under the crypto and finished space, as they will make it easier for them.
“2025 A big year to be distributed from our nich base,” said the crisckery.
“Technology has become a little more than a few of the largest companies,” hey, we will be injected now. “
“I think we have had great success in recent years, but there is another thing we came.”
Another major obstacle for companies with lightning is ruled by a bitkoin’s volatility.
But if there are no these risks, then there is no surprise if there is a lightning (USDT) instead of Bedcoin they can soon do.
Until the Crisk is optimistic to USD, because it is convinced that it will increase that industry.
“I think we will take possession of a lot of products and solutions around it,” said crisis.
“This is not the way I am excited for me. Many things are very excited to our customers. They are asking us directly to our crypto, because they ask us,” he added, “he added.
“You are very low to harvest for the sub-Seal settlement, and when it is unlocked by TRON. People are looking for an alternative.” People are looking for alternatives. “People are looking for an alternative.
(Trapped Front ball for steelum transactions The attorney was historically below when the fees were in the morning.)
Unless you reach the lightning, it is not enough to reach the lightning (as a as) I think), Kricek seems not weird.
“It’s not always worried,” said crisis.
“I think you have been Due to the war I think it is not easy for a large institution for coercipping the bitco ecosystem to some of the Bithko ecosystems, “he added.
“And you can like to look like lightning, because for these peers, you can say that you can say, if you don’t want to fill out the US dollar.”
Bitcoin Regulator move forward in the environment
US Crypto Cara David Sacks is investor in this version (through the capital of its company and through handicrafts). This shows that he understands his lightning about the lightning and his role as a Bitkoin Stock Exchange.
So does this mean that we have in the United States due to Bitcoine’s temper?
According to an inaccurate crisis.
“At the moment everyone is shouting in government Strategic Bitcoin ReserveThis is a crisek to explain this as Bitcoin Store.
“In time, we hear a little about bitkoine and we hear as a means of payment. We must first go through a strategic careholder by conversation, and then said, “Okay, what else can we do?” Added that.
The government is painted with a positive light, and if it is a completely different positive light. When he had first entered the Bitkoin space since 2012, the government has resigned or contradicted Beitcoin.
“I started bitoin, and it was very bad for companies such as the past four years,” he said.
“With this new administration, we saw the melody shift. We are still working on a specific way, but we will definitely turn to the corner and turn to the right direction.”
“I’m very happy to see where the place where the future is going. I think it will be positive. “
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