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The Xai 3 Grook is available for all ‘for a while’

You can now access the big advanced-tongue model of Xai Grook 3Even if you don’t pay for a subscription on X. Grook 3 is available for free "For a short time," According to Xai Founder Elon Mong, even the company did not say until "short time" mean exactly. When you are Grook on x ou web, and when you throw standalone app, you see you now again "Think" and it "DEEPSART" Options that are only available with the llm family of xi. Just make sure that the use of Grok 3 instead of Grok 2 in the chatbot menu interface. If you are paid for X Premium +, what are you currently costing 40 $ a month, ou plan of the chatbot $ 30-month Supergrok, get "increased access" For Grok 3 of the features, as well as early access to the advanced features as the voicemail.

The society Launched Their Grook 3 Family Model a couple of days ago during a Livestream, where you described as "an order of magnitude more capable of grok 2." Some of the patterns in the family are able to "The human reasoning," that you can trigger when you choose the "Think" option. I am better used for more complicated question, such as those with the questions of science, of science and programs. Meanwhile, Xai described the deep as "next search generation motor" that can generate summary for searching questions.

I asked the free version of groff 3 as they differ from the paid option. The chatbot replied that "Free interactions could pick server limits if too many piles in once" and that users paid get priority. Payed users have access to "Great brain" Modality, which may reply to the troubleshoot or coding that needs the power of processing power and there is no limit to the image of images of image can generate.

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2025-02-20 16:30:00

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