Software & Apps

There’s nothing more if there is a reduction in WFH for more than two years, despite the hype about RTO

Hopes to return to the office will be released in the office sector as before: office attendance data and work from home.

by Wolf Richter FOR Wolf Street.

The good people in commercial commercial land, including institutional investors, for more than a year back-or-office orders have office space and extend the office sector Epic depression.

The media jumps all over this breath in the headlines every time a company commands a whole five-day stories, such as Tesla in 2022, then the Amazon of the Rules , JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, X, Dell, etc., These office policies have clear “or not.” And the Trump White House tells the news of its battle trying to force it to happen to anyone left to the government.

But the media reports may give false impressions, and certainly few have changed since 1923 at the actual attendance at the office and what should be important in the CR CHE industry – than reports No breath. So we look at these two data sets.

Attending office is hardly hit by two years.

The Bat-to-Work Backometer Bat-to-Work – tracking how many people entered a building in the office where Kasle gives the electronic access system – at about 2023. Weekly Bariromate The work office steps as a percentage of what it used to be. So if pre-co-co-co-covid office occupations return, the barometer will rise 100%, mean the same occupation as in the first few days, to say.

But far from it. The average occupancy of the top 10 office markets in the most recent week of 54% of where it used to be, and only a few percentage points at the same time in 2023, and only one hair higher than the same time than 2024.

In the chart, top gridline = 100% = pre-co-co-covid. The 10-City Weekly Average (red line) is about 50% since the beginning of 2023, sometimes over. During the most recent week, it is 54%, with Houston that is at 65% at the upper end and Philadelphia that is below. The epicenter of WFH, San Francisco, is at 45% (chart from Kalle, click on the chart to enlarge it):

Spreading for hybrid job shows the big difference between the weeks with the lowest occupation, which is for the month of January on Friday, with a common pre-covid level. The day of the week with the highest occupancy rate on Tuesday at 63%.

The average occupancy of Friday January 28% of San Francisco and 30% in New York City. Even in the high end, in Houston, only 48%.

There is no reduction in part of WFH at 2023-2025.

Another data set shows the same principle from a different angle: the part of the total paid working days from mid 2020, with companies with WFH, and other work cannot be transferred to WFH, such as accommodation and food service, collapsed. At that time, tech workers moved throughout the WFH and continued their jobs, while restaurants and hotel workers never worked.

But as the economy opened, those workers of services were called back, and part of the WFH as a percentage of total fully paid days falling. But for office staff, WFH remains cause. As a result, part of the full-paid working days from home remained at a higher level than at the first level and never descended by 2023, 2024, and in January 2025.

It is according to the continuing study and collection of Data by Jose Maria Barrero, Nicholas Bloom, Shelby Buckman, and Steven J. Davis, published in WFH Research .

On January 2025, more than 29% of all full paid days work from home, in a hair from January 2023 and 2024.

So part of the WFH has brought about half of the Covid Spike (found on June 2020 at 62%) and then hit a part four times higher than it has been done in 2019 (7%). While the writer says they can have excess people “larger tech and internet savvy, especially in the least educated,” the one is the same.

To all full-time employees, 13% is full of WFH in late 2024, while 26% is in a hybrid-WFH condition, so those 39% on one side or whole WFH, according to the study. The remaining 61% works perfectly on site.

WFH and Hybrid arrangements handled in six industries, especially with information, which includes many tech and social media companies working on the full site.

Percentage of full-time employees working fully on site, in a hybrid situation, or full of WFH:

  • Information: 28% fully on site, 51% hybrid, 21% full of WFH,
  • Financial and Insurance: 33% fully on site, 40% hybrid, 27% full of WFH
  • Mowesle Trade: 44% completely on site, 40% hybrid, 15% full of WFH
  • Professional & Business Services: 45% fully on site, 30% hybrid, 24% full of WFH
  • Utility: 49% fully on site, 28% hybrid, 23% full of WFH
  • Real Estate: 49% completely on site, 40% hybrid, 11% full of WFH

Hoping that rto comes out of the office sector as before.

Done, many companies face hybrid jobs, always involving warm catching, hooting, like google (3 days of time), Apple (3 days), workers In the Starbucks Office (3 days), Adobe (2-3 days), meta (1-2 days), although they have implemented the days more stiff, including the basis “or – another” which smaller companies have moved in the same direction.

And many other companies, including Nvivia, Airbnb, Coinbase, Drobox, etc., etc. They have started their WFH policies, which make the meeting places, and do many other changes to make the long-fashioned work. For the company, it saves the costs of the office, and it makes hiring good talent ever since WFH has remained very popular. And as working for them.

But the media does not write relaxing headings about withdrawal companies and repeat their WFH policies. These companies dedicated to WFH will never get that kind of scream. And companies don’t do it if it doesn’t work for them. So these ures in the CR CH industry the RTO will refill offices and hits the office sector as before.

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2025-02-11 10:35:00

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