Business News

‘They will not be self-employable’: redders on Rs 35 lakh per month Showroom in Mumbai Bkc

Tesla, the Electrical Electrical Manufacturers has led by Elon MUSK, makes you the first premium premium in the Indian market by a bandra (BKC), declared the times of India. This display brushes an area of ​​square meters in a business tower, marks a strategy entrance to India, a buried electric vehicles.

The rental agreement for this space is worse at about Rs 35 Lakh per month, one of the higher commercial returns in the region.

After the Sofrom of Mumbai, Tesla Places to open a second backup at Delhi A Absocity, prove a focusing approach in a strong urban centers of India. This expansion comes to unpleasant merry meeting of Elon Musk with First Minister Narendra Modes in the United States. The dialog has signed a potential interests of interests between Tesla and India, Fostering an environment that is Tesla’s income.

However, not everyone in India are enthusiast. A few loads feel the showroom Tasta Bkc will be non-profit for the high street. Recently, the independent warehouse of Zara in Mumbai had to the Leader in the Heritage Heritage to the Fountain of South Mombai.

Reddit users also debate that Tesla makes fierce competition from the most chinese. “Honestly tesla has no chance in the Indian market if 11% of 31% of the import duty also. No Chinese Ties is in competition of the same price.” A shared user.

Another challenge will be indian roads. “Its self-guidelo mode will be hell in the Indian streets”, a user said.

Publications recently, the Tesa’s work opened by the customer’s, Enterup, Primary, Primary Support, on Mumbai and Delhi, in LinkedIn. These developments followed near the manner-muse-musk-moic, indicating the tesla commitment to build a sturdy operative presence in India.

The company also contemplates the importance of vehicles from their properties of the India, initially destiny. This strategic pricing to the Indian market, where the Departure of Tesla’s Subscribe in the US.×9.jpg

2025-03-02 12:01:00

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