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This magnificent game shoots all the right buttons in the boy micro clo

Ayaneo pocket micro classic retro gold

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  • Ayaneo Pocket Micro Classic is a new premium hand with a game boy micro esque design.
  • This is a reconstruction of a pocket micro, which enters a slightly low price.
  • Perfect for the top 4x up GBA games, sent in mid-April.

Ayaneo awarded himself carefully Retro Game Ali The market and the last device is still another flavor to overcome. Pocket was micro classic For the first time sold last weekBut now we have full features, our price and release window.

Basically a jam in the pocket micro in 2024, a game is a game boy micro clue, which has a premium components in everything. The same is the same way shares with his predecessor, but two joysticks fall from a country that passes to the classic retro games.

The pocket requires a micro classic premium price, but the structure is not comparable.

4x of 4x of 4x 4x of 4x 4x of GBA games has a resolution with a resolution with a resolution with a resolution of 4x and 6 or 8GB RAM. To imitate some PS2 games, it will provide more importantly, more importantly, the upper systems, shadows, shadows, shadows, shadows and other accessories, a flawless performance. However, you can change the DPAD entries to imitate the left Joystick by pressing the button for the needed games.

As a premium device, there is also a premium structure with a panel aluminum alloy frame and front-front-front-free glass panel. There are three color ways to choose: magic black, retro gray and retro gold, the same as found in the original pocket micro.

Ayaneo Mobile Micro Classic starts $ 179 for the 6GB + 128GB magical black version and starts at $ 239 for the 8GB + 256GB retro gold version. Ships in mid-April and you can Order pre-order now On the official Ayaneo website.

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