This man eats so much butter, cheese and handful of cholesterol

That could go wrong with eating a diet extremely high in meat, cheese, and bread sticks? Well, for one thing, your cholesterol levels could reach such stratipherical levels that they begin to sit out of your blood vessels, forming yellow nodules on your skin.
This was the disturbing case of a man in Florida who appeared at a Tampa hospital with a history of three weeks of jaundice, and his feet, and things. His case was published today in Jama cardiology.
The man, said to be in his forties, told the Medros that he had adopted an “Otto pirenivore” eight months earlier. Their diet included between 6 and 9 lirids of cheese, low-fat, and dark browns every day that had an additional supplement. From what he took on a food plan, he said his weight dropped, his levels increased aumdita and his “mental clarity” blare “.
Meanwhile, his total cholesterol level exceeded 1,000 mg/dl. For context, an optimal level of cholesterol is optimal below 200 mg/dlwhile 240 mg/dl is considered the limit for “high”. Cardiologists have helped that before going on his fatal diet, his cholesterol had been between 210 mg / dl to 300 mg / dl / dl / dl.
The cardiologists are people with Xanthelasma, a condition in which areas of excessive blood are blood vessels and form localized lipid deposits. The lipids are normally taken up by the white cells in the white cells called macrophages. But, in cases with Xanthelasma, the amount of Lipids is too great for the macropharis, which turn into foum cells with the colterista it carries.
Tats were often seen around the eye (the condition called XANHELASNA powerbrarum), which often collects people with lipo abnormalities, such as fallitogial hypercholesternemia. It is thought that the continuous punching of the eye over a person’s life can eventually weaken the capillaries in the area But, while this may be a more common presentation of the condition, the deposits of the lations can occur anywhere in the body
Xanthelasma-especially Xanthelasma palpebrarum-é not always associated with high cholesterol and heart risks, but having total total cholesterol is strongly associated with coronary heart disease.
The case study does not provide information about the Origin of Man. However, the authors wrote that the case “Location” impacts the impact of dietary patterns on lipid levels and the importance of hypercholesterol to prevent complications”.
This story was originally Ars Technica.,c_limit/GettyImages-149134517.jpg
2025-01-24 23:03:00